Wednesday, May 8, 2024

We Can't Take Our Books with Us When We Die - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


We Can’t Take Our Books with Us When We Die


Ecce nova facio omnia. Et dixit mihi: Scribe quia hic verba fidelissima sunt, et vera. 

-Apocalypsis XXI:V


We can’t take our books with us when we die

That reality shouldn’t bother me, but it does:

The copy of The Brothers Karamazov

I carried in Viet-Nam – off to a re-sale shop?


But God is the Word from Whom all blessings flow

And since He is the Word, all our books are His

How foolish of us if we fear that God

Has made no proper arrangements for them


Books are eternal


Great blessings in paper and ink and page and leaf

For learning and leisure and wisdom and belief

A Nation of Couch Cabbages Blames the Chinese Communists - doggerel


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Nation of Couch Cabbages Blames the Chinese Communists


A question may be brought about ownership

And the turgid content of the daily trawl

But even before the question of censorship

          One must ask

Why are adults on TikTok at all?

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Did Saloons Really Have Those Swinging Doors? - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Did Saloons Really Have Those Swinging Doors?


I’d like to mosey down to the Long Branch Saloon

In glorious CBS monochrome

Along Dodge City’s sound-stage cow town street

And saunter through those familiar swinging doors


I’d like to order a beer from good ol’ Sam

And listen to Doc and Festus fussing at each other

While Matt and Kitty smile contentedly

And for a while we are all at peace


I’d like to mosey down to the Long Branch Saloon

That’s what I’d like, and leave the world tethered outside

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Memory Eternal and a Gift Card from Denny's - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Memory Eternal and a Gift Card from Denny’s




William Tod Augustine Mixson


Saint Michael’s Orthodox Church, Beaumont


 “Memory Eternal”


A cup of coffee is a chalice in its way

It brings us all to a table of sharing

And consecrates old friendships with every sip

Blessing us at the end with an Ite of joy


But today there was an empty place

An empty cup, an empty plate, empty

Even the air was empty, empty and void

With a joke that wasn’t told today


Max found a Denny’s card among his things -

Tod treated us to breakfast once again


But not for the last time


He’ll tell us that joke at a more glorious feast

Shakespeare: Maybe We Need to See Other People - poem



Lawrence Hall, HSG


Shakespeare: Maybe We Need to See Other People


Cf. Shakespeare, Sonnet 39


Perhaps if we separated for a few days

We would find more passion in our love




(Please note all this artsy empty space)




After fourteen empty lines I find

My deep, abiding love for you stronger than ever

But who’s this…you’re seeing some other man?



I'll Be Away from My Desk for a Few Days - very short poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


“I’ll Be Away from My Desk for a Few Days”


“Look upon my absence, Ye mighty, and despair”


-as Shelley did not say


Every once in an ego you’ll read on a site

“I’ll be away from my desk for a few days”

As if everyone must re-schedule his life

And wait forlornly for Mr. O’s return


Nothing else remains 404 Error 404 Error

404 Error 404 Error 404 Error 404 Error

Friday, May 3, 2024

The Spirit of Art - very short poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Spirit of Art




The good, the true, the beautiful




The sullen, the resentful, the envious

Falling Into Truth - poem

   Lawrence Hall, HSG                                                    Falling Into Truth   The fall of October’s leave...