Showing posts with label Colin Cloute on the First of January. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Colin Cloute on the First of January. Show all posts

Monday, January 1, 2024

Colin Cloute on the First of January - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Colin Cloute on the First of January


And now is come thy wynters stormy state,

Thy mantle mard, wherein thou maskedst late


-Spenser, The Shepheardes Calender, “Januarye,” 23-25


The calendar year is advertised as new

But the slanting, yellowing sun is old

Almost weepy-eyed, exhausted, and weak

Beyond the icy cirrhus clouds of dusk


In a few weeks I will turn over the garden soil

A mediaeval ploughman with his electric tiller

Following the ancient seasons of the English year

Anticipating Lent and Eastertide


For now, the fireside and a comforting page

And a cuppa for warming the bones of age

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