Showing posts with label Poems about Childhood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poems about Childhood. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Go Ask Your Father - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Go Ask Your Father


“Go ask your father.”


“Go ask your mother.”


“She said to ask you.”


“Go ask her anyway.”


“Go ask your father again.”


“He said to ask you.”


“Well I told you to ask him.”


“It’s your mother’s decision.”


“He says it’s your decision.”


“It’s okay with me if it’s okay with your mother.”


“It’s okay with me if it’s okay with your father.”



That was always soooooooooooooooo annoying.



I wish I could be that annoyed again.

Saturday, February 8, 2025

Pirates to Starboard! - a poem about childhood


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Pirates to Starboard next to the Dairy Cows!


My neighbors’ field is low; it tends to flood

Their children sail their kayak as pirates bold

And laugh and splash upon the sloshy mud

Swallows and Amazons in search of gold


Most comfortable with our feet propped up

We old folks sit upon the porch all dry

Each an admiral with his coffee cup

And let the heavy monsoon pass us by


We too were pirates in our dreaming youth

We wish we still were – and that’s the truth!

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Barefootin' Among Watermelons on a Summer Afternoon - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Barefootin’ Among Watermelons on a Summer Afternoon


For J. W., His Dad, and His Uncle Brandon


J. W. is blessed with family and purpose and love

Guided study and chores and structured faith

Happy barefootin’ days among the watermelons

A fishing pole and buzzing-bee summer afternoons

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Let's Go for Coffee - Grab Your Flak Jacket - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Let’s Go for Coffee - Grab Your Flak Jacket


Some give their sons semi-automatics and hate

Instead of family and purpose and love

Instead of guided study and structured faith

Instead of fishing poles and summer afternoons

Saturday, July 20, 2024

The Mysterious World of Azalea - poem

  Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Mysterious World of Azalea


If I were a child, this would be a happy place

A hidden leaf-mould world, all darkly green

Summery green beneath the shaded sun

Between the roots, beneath the leaves, alone


If I were a child, this would be a happy place

A brand-new comic book, some army men

A Roy Rogers cap pistol without any caps

A plastic Tarzan leaping from branch to branch


If I were a child…but alas, I’m not -

I’m pruning back limbs and checking for rot

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...