Showing posts with label The Doorkeeper of Notre Dame. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Doorkeeper of Notre Dame. Show all posts

Monday, June 3, 2024

The Doorkeeper of Notre Dame - doggerel


Lawrence Hall HSG


The Doorkeeper of Notre Dame


“I pray you remember the porter”


-Macbeth II.iii.22


“‘Tis my limited service” on Sundays to mind the door

To open it to the faithful with cheerful greetings

This is pretty much my skill-level, this modest chore

Such is the ancient custom for Sunday meetings


A family of long acquaintance approached, almost late

They live some miles away and had a long drive

Their youngest son held his hand out at the holy gate

I thought his intent was a youthful high five


But with only one finger he greeted me!

And that was my lesson in humility


As for the boy


While the servers rang the welcoming bell

His momma yanked him outside and gave him (peace)

Monsoon Coffee - poem

    Lawrence Hall, HSG   Monsoon Coffee   The old men argue whether we have monsoons Or if our afternoon th...