Showing posts with label William Tod Augustine Mixson. Show all posts
Showing posts with label William Tod Augustine Mixson. Show all posts

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Memory Eternal and a Gift Card from Denny's - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Memory Eternal and a Gift Card from Denny’s




William Tod Augustine Mixson


Saint Michael’s Orthodox Church, Beaumont


 “Memory Eternal”


A cup of coffee is a chalice in its way

It brings us all to a table of sharing

And consecrates old friendships with every sip

Blessing us at the end with an Ite of joy


But today there was an empty place

An empty cup, an empty plate, empty

Even the air was empty, empty and void

With a joke that wasn’t told today


Max found a Denny’s card among his things -

Tod treated us to breakfast once again


But not for the last time


He’ll tell us that joke at a more glorious feast

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