Showing posts with label For Our Mothers on Christmas Eve. Show all posts
Showing posts with label For Our Mothers on Christmas Eve. Show all posts

Sunday, December 24, 2023

For Our Mothers on Christmas Eve - poem

 (ca 2015)

Lawrence Hall, HSG

For our Mothers on Christmas Eve


Beyond all other nights, on this strange Night,

A strangers’ Star, a silent, seeking Star,

Helps set the wreckage of our souls aright:

It leads us to a stable door ajar                                                         


And we are not alone in peeking in:

An ox, an ass, a lamb, some shepherds, too -

Bright Star without; a brighter Light within

We children see the Truth three Wise Men knew


For we are children there in Bethlehem

Soft-shivering in that winter long ago

We watch and listen there, in star-light dim,

In cold Judea, in a soft, soft snow


The Stable and the Star, yes, we believe:

Our mothers sing us there each Christmas Eve

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