Showing posts with label Children and Blueberries. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Children and Blueberries. Show all posts

Saturday, June 8, 2024

The God of Children and Blueberries - poem


Lawrence Hall HSG


The God of Children and Blueberries


For Theo (who is three today) and Nora (who is more than three)


“It is eaten, and renewed, every day.”


-Ramandu’s daughter in The Voyage of the Dawn Treader


God is prodigal with his seasons and feasts -

This is the season of blueberries, each day a feast

Great clouds of fat blue globes hang upon the little trees

Water and sky shading into Prussian blue


This is a table-tree, all are invited

To stand with buckets and thirsty lips

To pick and take, to take and eat, each day

The feast magically renewed each dawn


Mockingbirds, robins, sparrows, rabbits, and squirrels


And children


Picking, pecking, plucking, nibbling, biting


All at Aslan’s Table, and all at peace

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