Showing posts with label Poems about Dachshunds. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Poems about Dachshunds. Show all posts

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Dachshund Dreaming of Rabbit for Supper - DOGgerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


A Dachshund Dreaming of Rabbit for Supper


My little Luna-Dog has a bad habit

Of chasing after her back-yard rabbit


But still let not your mind be troubled or fraught

With fear for that rabbit who is never caught!

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Treatise on the Burrowing Habits of Dachshunds - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Treatise on the Burrowing Habits of Dachshunds


A dachshund will burrow under the garden fence

For every dachshund thinks she is a wolf

A fearsome apex predator with a squeaky toy -

This is in the nature of dachshunds


A dachshund will burrow into your tightly-closed hand

Nosing out the doggie treat you have hidden there

A fearsome apex predator and omnivore -

This is in the nature of dachshunds


A dachshund bill burrow into your end-of-day lap

Watching both the television and the cats

A fearsome apex predator drooling on your book -

This is in the nature of dachshunds


A dachshund will burrow, borrow, beg, and bark

And in her foreshadowing of that better World to come

A dachshund will burrow deeply into your heart -

And love you forever


This is in the nature of dachshunds


And of you

Saturday, September 28, 2024

The Cosmic Inertia of a Six-Pound Dachshund - short poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Cosmic Inertia of a Six-Pound Dachshund


Why is the resistance factor

In shifting a six-pound dachshund

Who does not want to be shifted

Greater than that of tons of iron?

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...