Showing posts with label Old and Unselected Poems. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Old and Unselected Poems. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Old and Unselected Poems - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Old and Unselected Poems


Why do publishers entitle volumes of verse

New and Selected Poems?

Is it the editors’ lack of imagination?

Or is it some sort of secular rubric

An inky “We’ve always done it that way?”


When you finish writing a poem it is new

It didn’t exist before you, and now it does

And someone who reads your poem has selected it

It wasn’t selected until someone picked it up


Every poem is forever new and selected

And to the joy of your friends, so are you


That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...