Showing posts with label Area 52. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Area 52. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Groooving in Area 52 - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Grooving in Area 52




The Beatles got it wrong back-then-ago

When groovy discs through grooves grooved out our songs -

For we now groove in an Area 52

Not in a groovy screen-door submarine  




We groove and grok in bondage behind chain links

Where elderly men fondle their guitars

And middle-aged women dressed as majorettes

Jiggle duct tape and weight-loss medications




The Beatles grooved it right ago-back-then -

Old grooves, dull mediocrity still lock us in

Monsoon Coffee - poem

    Lawrence Hall, HSG   Monsoon Coffee   The old men argue whether we have monsoons Or if our afternoon th...