Monday, November 6, 2023

All the Cool Kids are Genocidal This Year - essay


Lawrence Hall


All the Cool Kids are Genocidal this Year


In 1925 some 30,000 KKK marched in our nation’s capital to bully the government and the people by demonstrating their increasing power. We read the newspaper accounts of the time and view the film footage and wonder why such an un-American display of hostility to humanity and to the Constitution was permitted by the local, state, and federal authorities who were expected to protect the people.


From 1936 to 1948 the German-American Bund perpetrated the same racist and anti-American racket. In 1939 they filled Radio City Music Hall with some 20,000 village idiots yelping and sieg-heiling in obedient, unthinking unison. Nazis appealed to a twisted concept of the First Amendment to cover their demands for tyranny and genocide.


Those uniformed and booted thugs who pretended to love this country were, as was known even then, funded, organized, and backed with propaganda through pamphlets and scripts from Nazi Germany’s Abwehr. The American Nazis were so influential that some Hollywood studios allowed themselves to be censored by a foreign power that meant to conquer the world. Again we ask ourselves how this could have happened.


More recently we have seen the streets of our capital and other cities infested by yet more racists openly flying the flags of foreign powers determined to destroy the free nations and conquer the world while our weakling Merovingian government entities do little but yap at each other as if they were on The Five and collect their generous salaries and perks. Our streets have been blocked, citizens menaced, historical monuments vandalized, and attempts made to breach the perimeters of the White House for malign purposes. And, like their predecessors, they expect that their demands for genocide will be permitted “peaceably” under the First Amendment.


On Monday the contemporary racists blocked access to the Statue of Liberty (how’s that for freedom of speech), and more have closed seaports along the West Coast. Hamas, an organization specializing in the mass murder of innocents and enslaving any survivors, appears at the moment to be in charge of America.


Violence, racist threats, vandalism of public and private property, denial of freedom of movement, and hostility to real Americans are sometimes defended as free speech recognized by the First Amendment to our Constitution.


This defense is invalid.


The First Amendment clearly connects freedom of speech with “…the right of the people peaceably to assemble and petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” The constitutional convention understood this and for over two centuries thoughtful and well-intentioned people of all nations have understood this too, and honored America for it. It is only in our time that wicked beings have twisted and perverted noble words for the destruction of free people who are sheltered by those words.


We the people may and should peaceably assemble at school board meetings, on the courthouse steps, in the streets, and in the assemblies to point out to the authorities whom we have elected our grievances at what we purport to be their failures and requesting that they stop fooling around and get on task.


We can stand outside the White House (although the incumbent is usually absent on perpetual vacation) and hold up a sign that notes the fact that the President is usually to be found not in the Oval Office but napping on a beach.


These rights are given by God; they are recognized by the Constitution.


But when the bullhorns, the spray paint, the rocks, the bottles, the obscenities, the threats, the flags of hostile foreign powers, the violence, and the racist taunts contaminate the free air, then the perpetrators have broken the peace.


In a direct line of succession from the Ku Klux Klan and National Socialism is Hamas. Hamas is a racist, genocidal, sexist organization oppressive to women, oppressive to Palestinians and murderous to anyone who disobeys.  Hamas employs hostage-taking, rape, and the murders of children as weapons, and punishes even a hint of same-sex relationships with immediate death.


Naturally all the cool kids wear the keffiyeh (for sale on and hate America. They are blithely unaware of the slavery the Hamas doctrine, which they will never read, has planned for them.




Ku Klux Klan in Washington, 1921-1925 -


American Nazis in the 1930s—The German American Bund - The Atlantic


Pro-Palestinian marchers push against White House fence, vandalize national monuments during protest - Washington Times


Doctrine of Hamas | Wilson Center



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