Friday, January 12, 2024

Garage-Sale Rolodex for Seventy-Five Cents - poem

Lawrence Hall, HSG


Garage-Sale Rolodex® for Seventy-Five Cents


I will not be pushed, filed, stamped, indexed, briefed,

debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own.


-Patrick McGoohan as Number Six in The Prisoner


The Rolodex was once a symbol of power

Of knowledge marshalled into sequences

Orderly sequences alphabetized by names

By names and cross indices of subjects and dates


Of enemies or allies or contacts, rarely friends

Condensed in ink on smoothly finished cards

Restrained in place by colored plastic tabs

Awaiting the stroke of an office tyrant’s hand


The Rolodex was subsumed within The ‘Phone

Thus still your life cannot be called your own


Wednesday, January 10, 2024

Upon the Return of Artifacts to Wounded Knee - poem


Lawrence Hall


Upon the Return of Artifacts to Wounded Knee


“We hope the spirits are on their way now.”


-Richard Broken Nose


A knife, a needle, an arrow, a pair of shoes

Some beads, a shirt, a drum, a tobacco pouch

A little girl’s doll, fragments of a pot

And tools for completing one’s daily chores


They are not artifacts; they are not displays

They are the ordinary necessities of life

Stolen from the dead hands of innocents

To be numbered, indexed, filed, boxed, and mocked


These things are sacred now, part of the Great Dance of Creation

We pray the spirits will come and take them home


As plundered items return to Wounded Knee, decisions await (

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Endsville - Didacticism not at its Best


Lawrence Hall, HSG




All in all, at the end of the day, and in conclusion, when the curvy lady sings, when the truth be told, when all is said and done, when the chickens come home to roost, when all the evidence is in, in sum, in short, in brief, the bottom line is, we can only conclude, to conclude, in the end, so as I said before, to sum up, and as Churchill / Gandhi / Harry Potter / a wise man once said, therefore, all things considered, most importantly, taking the facts into account, to wrap things up, on the whole, and most importantly, and finally…


(I was going somewhere with this…)

Polysyllabic Aspirational Bourgeois Vanity (and, like, stuff) - poem (of sorts)


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Polysyllabic Aspirational Bourgeois Vanity

(and, like, stuff)




A melting clock is not aesthetically pleasing

Nor is it of any utility

It celebrates chaos instead of life

And bullies us with a manifesto




Gives pale aesthetes topics for their idle hours

Surrendering imagination to cliches’

The endlessly self-referential I, I, me, me

(Another double-latte, if you please)




The republican’s derivative art is but

The emperor’s new clothes turned inside out



(And have you seen my serial takes on Greek ikons re-imagined and re-envisioned as diatomic forms through vegan egg-tempera on recycled barn wood as a repudiation of hidebound colonialist oppressivist occupationist Orthodoxy by sequencing monks on Mount Athos as agnostic Jewish fast-food workers influenced by the works of Dali and the Rapallo poets through a motif of running wedges in asymmetric lines from a cosmopolitan image of Heaven to a day-glow Wal-Mart beside a sea of transcendental bubbles which symbolize my feelings when my latest grant was canceled? Hmmmmmmm? Of course the straights don’t get it; their lack of imagination is why they stopped The People’s funding I deserve so that I can make great art chiding them for being dullard capitalist mechanicals. I do take all major credit cards for my works.)

Monday, January 8, 2024

End. Stops. Employed. As. Arguments. - poem (sort. of.)


Lawrence Hall, HSG


End. Stops. Employed. As. Arguments.


Learn. To. Code. You. Had. One. Job. End. Of. Fact.

Decolonize. This. Place. Best. Job. Ever.

Burn. It. Down. Get. A. Job. Not. In. Our. Name.

Not. My. King. Not. My President. Spot. On.


Worst. Day. Ever. Votes. Have. Consequences.

What. Could. Go. Wrong. It. Begins. Heads. Will. Roll.

O. M. G. Let. It. Go. This. Isn’t. Over.

Come. And. Take. It. Not. Just. Shut. Up. Just. No.



Shut. It. Down. Let. It. Go. I. Have. No. Words.

This. Ends. Now. End. Of. Story. Grow. Up. Full. Stop.


Sunday, January 7, 2024

You Have Never Voted for a President - weekly column

 Lawrence Hall, HSG


You Have Never Voted for a President


You have never voted for a president, and neither have I.


Certain plaintiffs in certain states have recently petitioned their state courts to bar a certain candidate from standing for the presidency based on Section 3 of the XIVth Amendment. This states that no one can be a senator, representative, or presidential or vice-presidential elector, or hold any public office, civil or military, federal or state, if he (the pronoun is gender-neutral), as a member of congress, an officer in the United States, a member of any state legislature, or an executive or judicial officer in any state if he, having sworn loyalty to the Constitution, “shall have engaged in insurrection against the same (the Constitution).”


The XIVth Amendment was enacted following the Civil War and in response to it, but an amendment is not limited in time and place. It is active law, not a museum curiosity.


But how can a state presume to bar a candidate from a presidential ballot in that state?


That leads us back to Article II, which states clearly that presidents are elected by electors from each state, not by a popular vote. Further, these electors from each state are appointed by the legislature of each state, “…in such Manner as the Legislature may direct…”


The fifty states and the too-much-indulged District of Columbia can, as a matter of states’ rights, choose their electors in any manner they chose. Hey, it’s in the Constitution. And do we follow our Constitution or not? As practiced the popular vote in each state is for electors, not for candidates, and the electors then vote for the president. Some states do not allow their electors to vote against the will of the electorate, but some do.


Our clumsy system of voting sounds illogical, but its function is to ensure that sparsely-populated states and districts are not subjected to the votes of heavily-populated cities. Without our electoral college (they don’t have a football team, though) our presidential elections would always be decided by the west coast axis and the east coast axis.


This protection is similar to the constitutional requirement that while the states send a number or representatives to the House based on population, they each send two senators to the Senate regardless of population.


All this is a little awkward, but it means that the great population centers cannot use the rest of us – “flyover country,” “deplorables,” and so on – as simply a source of raw materials for their industries and recruits for their many undeclared wars, and dumping grounds for their garbage.


Under the Constitution the citizens of a state may indeed appeal to their state legislature for barring a candidate from the ballot in that state only based on the XIVth Amendment in that same federal Constitution. It is a matter of states’ rights not only in the XIVth amendment but in the Xth.


The argument that the President is not mentioned as an officer in the amendment is specious, even a little desperate. No one in over two hundred years has ever denied that the office of the presidency is in fact and function the office of the presidency. The President is not in a position of employment or contract; he is an officer.


The argument that the amendment does not apply if the candidate has not been convicted might carry some weight except for the fact that the authority for granting eligibility rests with a ¾ vote of the House of Representatives.


Where the petitioners may have gone off those metaphorical rails is presenting their petition to their state courts instead of to their state legislatures. The state courts under the Constitution should bounce this to their legislatures.


So why isn’t this taught in school? Well, it is; it’s just that no 16-year-old is in the least interested in civics class. Nor does he (the pronoun is gender-neutral) give a rat’s rear end for Shakespeare, sentence structure, molecular theory, physics, algebra, or the food pyramid.


Geometry is kinda fun, though.


But they’re kids. They’re learning. We adults have no excuses, and the language of the Constitution is clear enough. We have a duty to perceive issues rationally as adults, come to conclusions based in law, and participate in civilization as citizens of a great republic.


There are many elementals in civilized behavior – one is that when we vote we often don’t get our way. That’s the deal. That’s our Constitution.





Monday, January 1, 2024

Colin Cloute on the First of January - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Colin Cloute on the First of January


And now is come thy wynters stormy state,

Thy mantle mard, wherein thou maskedst late


-Spenser, The Shepheardes Calender, “Januarye,” 23-25


The calendar year is advertised as new

But the slanting, yellowing sun is old

Almost weepy-eyed, exhausted, and weak

Beyond the icy cirrhus clouds of dusk


In a few weeks I will turn over the garden soil

A mediaeval ploughman with his electric tiller

Following the ancient seasons of the English year

Anticipating Lent and Eastertide


For now, the fireside and a comforting page

And a cuppa for warming the bones of age

A Somewhat Whiny Morning Prayer - Senryu (maybe; people argue about senryu and haiku and cuckoo)

  Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   A Somewhat Whiny Morning Prayer   If only the day Will...