Tuesday, January 9, 2024

Endsville - Didacticism not at its Best


Lawrence Hall, HSG





All in all, at the end of the day, and in conclusion, when the curvy lady sings, when the truth be told, when all is said and done, when the chickens come home to roost, when all the evidence is in, in sum, in short, in brief, the bottom line is, we can only conclude, to conclude, in the end, so as I said before, to sum up, and as Churchill / Gandhi / Harry Potter / a wise man once said, therefore, all things considered, most importantly, taking the facts into account, to wrap things up, on the whole, and most importantly, and finally…


(I was going somewhere with this…)

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   Lawrence Hall Mhall46184@aol.com Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...