Wednesday, January 8, 2025

“Now, Therefore, Write for Yourselves This Song” - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


“Now, Therefore, Write for Yourselves This Song” 



-Deuteronomy 31:19 per Talmud at My Jewish Learning <>



“Nunc itaque scribite vobis canticum istud.”





What song will you write for the people of God?

Something from the Prophets or the Laws

A hymn for Mary, dancing in the spring

Or maybe praise for patient and protective Joseph


What song will you write for your own true love?

Gentle rhyming for the music of her gentle laugh

Iambics and meters her intellect to please

Birdsong sweet to limn her holiness


What song will you write for the world God made?

Matins for mist and mountain and flowered glade

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