Thursday, January 30, 2025

Flight 5342 - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Happy Young Lives Rich with Promise


“I will go in to the Altar of God”


Ephemera among the searchlight beams:

A paperback novel, a Mickey Mouse doll

Purses and ‘phones, and in-flight magazines

Briefcases still securing important work


Ephemera among the searchlight beams:

A note about souvenirs for the kids back home

From the Folger and the aerospace museum

Ice skates in the bins, safely stowed away


But now


Now lost to us among the searchlight beams:

Happy young lives rich with promises and dreams

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Cancelling the InterGossip Service - not exacly a poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Cancelling the InterGossip Service


And how are you today I am so very glad to hear that thank you sir you have paid today so we won’t be able to cancel the service until next month I am so glad to hear that we need a mailing address so that we can send you a box for the equipment thank you sir no a post office box won’t do I am sorry sir you are breaking up yes sir let me read that back to you thank you sir let me verify your account number that is correct and thank you I will need your zip code will you repeat that thank you but our records show that your service address is oh that is not it please tell me again thank you sir I will read it back to you thank you sir you will have thirty days from the twenty-seventh of next month to return the equipment in the box we will provide to you at your mailing address and I have that mailing address so thank you sir if you will wait two minutes while I access your file thank you sir and I will need your mailing address oh I see I have that sir for the equipment return thank you sir which will cost you $350 if it is not returned thank you sir and now I must read you this list now if you have any questions if you will please wait two minutes thank you sir and may I ask why you are discontinuing service and are you moving sir if you will wait two minutes while I update your records thank you sir and I have your mailing address and may I ask why you are discontinuing service with us oh I am so sorry sir but did they tell you it is fibre optic I understand sir before we go I want to advise you that because you are a long-time customer we have a special offer thank you sir I am happy to have helped you sir and I hope you have a good rest of the day

Guarding Borders Against Criminals - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Guarding Borders Against Criminals



In any case we are not attacking them at all. We are offering them incalculable benefits.

― T.H. White, 
The Once and Future King



They began settling here a long time ago

At first they were welcome, but they developed a ‘tude

We need their charity - they tell us so!

But their intentions are obvious and crude


With insolence, edict, and a heavy political hand

They’ve come to save us from ourselves; that’s what they say

Here in our beloved Canada, our home and native land –

Oh, won’t the Americans just go away!

A Corporal Who Would Never Be a Sergeant - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


A Corporal Who Would Never Be a Sergeant


He was a corporal who would never be a sergeant

In a Palmach squad that would never be recognized

By the Palmach or by the Haganah.

He was a rabbi of the rocks and rubble and roads


He would never be recognized as a rabbi

He loved a curly-haired girl who would never marry him

And was friends with a little feral dog

Who crept out to him from behind the ruins


There was blood that called to him from Poland

In Yiddish and Hebrew; he didn’t remember why

He was a luftmensch, but dependable in his way

A littleness never admitted to staff meetings


He did what he was told to do, and then ignored

He delivered messages and curious packages

To obscure points forbidden to him and his kind

And the dog was shot dead for someone’s sport


With an old British rifle he cleared strongpoints

So that the officers could add to their resumes’

And he was told by the cooks that he was too late

As they laughed and closed the door on him


Confusion and smoke, and fighting in the streets

Burning corpses and armored cars, wild screams

There was little of him after the RPG hit

And children scurried out to mutilate and steal


He was posted as missing, possibly a deserter

Monday, January 27, 2025

Late January is a Time of Grey - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Late January is a Time of Grey


I read a little in Billy Collins just now

Because Tolkien is in the other room

Along with the laundry and an unmade bed

Late January is a time of grey


I just want to sit with my coffee awhile

And then I’ll stow the laundry and make the bed

The dishwasher can remain silent until tomorrow

Late January is a time of grey


I was nibbled to death by ducks today


Late January is a time of grey

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Third Sunday in Extraordinary Time - very short poem

Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Third Sunday in Extraordinary Time


Dear friends in Christ,


The divine liturgy will be delayed for a few minutes

While the new regime checks everyone’s papers

Monday, January 20, 2025

Tiny Artists of the Night - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Tiny Artists of the Night


Snowflakes by flashlight in the deepening dark

I left them to their night of proper tasks

They beamed down to the earth all over the park

And for the cold grey dawn they’ve made great masks


Plateaus of iridescent white to layer the lawn

Transcendent beauty in a transient medium

Still falling against the feeble all-day dawn

Little artists who form great truths from tedium


And then mysteriously they fly away

To shape the existentials some other day

The Dignity of the Office - doggerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The Dignity of the Office


Whatever the incoming president fancies

(One hopes to speak without fear of libel)

Ageing (entertainers) in chancy pantsies

And will he take his oaf on a Village People Bible?


20 January 2025

Sunday, January 19, 2025

The White House Inaugural Banquet and the Idle Dishwashing Machine - doggerel

  Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The White House Inaugural Banquet

and the Idle Dishwashing Machine



Henry II: Fork?


Becket: It's for pronging meat and carrying it to the mouth. It saves you dirtying your fingers.


Henry II: But then you dirty the fork.

Becket: Yes, but it's washable.

Henry II: So are your fingers. I don't see the point.


-Becket (1964)


The White House dishwashing machine is idle, kids

Our leaders grub with fingers for their food

Cardboarded burgers as greasy pyramids

On mahogany Queen Anne tables strewed


The sycophants kiss their effendi’s (ring)

And fall to feeding at his soigne trough

No waiters are needed to pour and pass

The diners chortle and chew and choke and cough


The White House dishwashing machine is idle, guys

(Dessert is Velveeta oozing over French fries)

Comment is Freed

Image is from a previous occasion, not the 2025 Inauguration

Saturday, January 18, 2025

The Holy Bible as a Base for a Potted Plant - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The Holy Bible as a Base for a Potted Plant


On a little shelf in our local pharmacy

A somewhat tattered Bible has reposed for years

And on that Bible is positioned a potted plant

And above them on the wall a cowboy cartoon


The iconography is elusive to me

One seeks for meaning in an assemblage:

So why this thing in this place at this time?

Existentially speaking (as we said in the ‘60s)



A curious piece of iconography

On a little shelf in our local pharmacy

Dag Hammarskjold Negotiates with Himself and with God - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Dag Hammarskjold Negotiates with Himself and with God


Cf. Auden’s introduction to Vagmarken



We are not permitted to choose the frame of our destiny

but what we put into it is ours.


Vagmarken (Markings), p. 55 in the 1965 Knopf edition



When you were a little child

If you attend a school named for Dag Hammarskjold

How long did it take you to learn to spell his name?


And you are now an adult

And blessed with Hammarskjold’s Vagmarken

How long did it take you to joy in his transcendent good?

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Binding Each Word with a Prayer


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Binding Each Word with an Incantation, a Charm, a Spell


You. Not a generalized out-there “you” but – YOU


Gentle Writer


A mysterious thought is dream’ed unto you

Or a conclusion sails from your observant mind


You take a pen of goose-quill carefully carved

You dip it into a horn or pottle of ink

Not a metaphorical inkhorn of floridity

But the horn of a beast, hollowed out

Stoppered with a fitted wooden plug

And charged with ink of a curious blue

Of minerals or dyes or the juice of berries boiled

And worked with pagan spells or Christian prayers


You take an expensive page of animal-skin

Worked out with scrapings and scrubbings and acids

Or perhaps imported sheets of Egyptian papyrus

(Against which some of the younger brethren sneer)


Remember the annual budget! Be careful, now!

Paper doesn’t grow on trees, you know!

(Well, you could argue about the papyrus)


You set the light just right, the sun or a lamp

The Altar is where candles glow in honor of Our Lord

(And then there’s the budget; candles are expensive)

So you must work with the sun or a tallow lamp

At a writing slope angled as the amarius says


You think a thought

You lift your pen

With a prayer upon it

You guide it down

You write a word


A word


Each word is magic







What did you write?

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Front Toward Enemy - very short free-verse poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Front Toward Enemy



In what we may laughingly call real life

You can read those three words

You’re in the wrong place


The Cold Has Gotten Old - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The Cold Has Gotten Old



  For many years I was a self-appointed inspector of snow-storms...


-Thoreau, Walden



The cold has gotten old without Christmas trees

And little lights in all their vestmental tints

No longer counterpoint the dark northern breeze

No visions of spring, no dreamings, no hints


The happy lawns of summer are mud and frost

The path to the cowshed is a rattle of sleet

The trail to the fishing hole was yesterday lost

And our boots are too thin for our freezing feet


But after our chores boiling hot coffee, please -

The cold has gotten old without Christmas trees!

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Nothing You Write is Confidential - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Your Poem’s Background Check


And above all, who is in power in that part of the country,

or, rather, who will be by the time we get there?


-Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago


We don’t suffer a Soviet Writers’ Union

Except that we do – and what are you up to?

Have you written an ordinary adjective

That will be forbidden in a future place?

          You sound suspiciously colonialist


Last year DEI was mandatory

This year it will be a forbidden scheme

What guidelines for little magazines

Will be cleansed in the New Order to come?

          Harriet Monroe is a non-person now


Who will be in charge of your poetry and your life

Whenever you don’t get to wherever it was

           that you were going?

Monday, January 13, 2025

Your Changes Have Been Saved - poem

 The transfer has botched the formatting. Please accept as is.

Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office



Your Changes Have Been Saved



Noticed the passive voice              the passive voice is to be noticed


You did not make changes             changes were not made by you

                                                        but changes were made


You did not save changes                 changes were not saved by you

                                                          but changes were saved




If you were relevant you might have been consulted

Imagine There's No "Imagine" - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Imagine There’s No “Imagine”

“Christendom has had a series of revolutions, and in each one of them Christianity has died. Christianity has died many times and risen again; for it had a God who knew the way out of the grave.”

-G. K. Chesterton, The Everlasting Man

Imagine a world without anthems that whine

It’s difficult if we try; the ‘seventies cry

Rockabilly tunes in the communion line

And fling fluorescents from a dropped-ceiling sky


The ‘seventies tell the Bible what to say

And dangling speakers program us with a primitive beat

Manifestos proclaim the ideology of the day

The Gospel is reduced to an electronic tweet


But, peace! 


The tie-dyed ‘seventies still croak and wail

But it is the Eternal that will prevail


Stand-to for Night Patrol - short poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Stand-To for Night Patrol



The Americans were said to believe that the Communists are on the defensive…


-New York Times, 11 January 1970


I keep seeing a boat’s black silhouette

Upon the red water, against the red sky

And the black-death tree-line along the shore

A dark, decaying scene, and I don’t know why

There is More Than One Book - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


There is More Than One Book


A civilization writes and reads its books

As poetry, pictures, prose, and glorious song

Of war and work and love and peaceful fields

Scholarship and courage and a people’s arts


But when unhappy men with an unhappy god

Maintain that their one book is all we’ll need

In submission to build an empire of death

The threat is clear: their god doesn’t want us


Reading and writing are civilization

From the very beginning of Creation

52 Hebrew Words - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


52 Hebrew Words


Max gave me a book: 52 Hebrew Words

For Christmas

Appreciate the irony that isn’t there –

If Judaism isn’t real, then neither are we


Words in Hebrew seem to be topped as flames

As Light - the light as truth, the light for truth

As flame for sacrifice, as flame for peace

As Torah unrolled, all Creation unrolled


Everything begins with a word, the Word

Today we will begin with Shema – Hear


With gratitude



52 Hebrew Words. Dave Adamson. Christian Art Gifts: Bloomington

Friday, January 10, 2025

Reading the Room - doggerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Reading the Room


I don’t know to read a room, but look –

I’m still pretty good at reading a book

A Colonial Project - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


A Colonial Project


Am I a victim of


A Colonial Project


Am I a perpetrator of


A Colonial Project


Am I a victim of


A Colonial Project


Or is it


THE Colonial Project


And whose?


I think I’ll make a pot of tea


If that’s not too colonial for anyone


And would you like a cup?


Thursday, January 9, 2025

May Our Children Live Long Enough to Invade Greenland - doggerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office



May Our Children Live Long Enough to Invade Greenland


Man arrested entering the Capitol with a machete and three knives


-U. K. Daily Mail



No weapons in the Capitol; it’s a rule

The adults who work there must be safely bubbled

But when some pimply oaf brings a gun to school

No one in D.C. seems especially troubled

I am a Ptolemaic - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office



I am a Ptolemaic



There was a star danced, and under that I was born


-Beatrice in Much Ado About Nothing, II.i.349



This little world isn’t much, but it’s what we’ve got

Our Narnia, our Middle-Earth; it’s green

It’s green and blue and round, an almost-sphere

Fitted with all the ancient conveniences


Let the stars encircle us as a crown

And who will dare to say it is not so?

For we are commanded to grow this garden

By the light of the sun, and of faith and love


As Shakespeare might have said, this blessed plot -

This little world isn’t much, but it’s what we’ve got

"LA Fires Bring Art to a Halt" - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


“LA Fires Bring Art to a Halt”


Hyperallergic: Sensitive to Art and Its Discontents




A fire brings nothing to a halt


To the last respiration of the very last soul

And beyond: Art will live because Art lives -


A poet abandoning her car to flee for her life

Holds to her heart her notebooks in grocery-store bag


To the last respiration of the very last soul

And beyond: Art will live because Art lives


A trumpeter manages to save the mouthpiece at least

While carrying his child out to an ambulance


To the last respiration of the very last soul

And beyond: Art will live because Art lives


A sculptor’s eyes record a wall of windows

To be re-molded as life-filled windows of dreams


To the last respiration of the very last soul

And beyond: Art will live because Art lives


Firefighters wrestling a hose through smoke and heat

Are a choreograph of life against flaming death


To the last respiration of the very last soul

And beyond: Art will live because Art lives


An artist whose studio is now but smoke

Will stir ashes and water, and paint again


To the last respiration of the very last soul

And beyond: Art will live because Art lives


A little girl will write of her little dog

Her bestest pal whom she never saw again


To the last respiration of the very last soul

And beyond: Art will live because Art lives


In a shelter tonight an aging man

Will sing to himself the love songs of his youth


To the last respiration of the very last soul

And beyond: Art will live because Art lives




                                   then patch


a few words together and don’t try

to make them elaborate, this isn’t

a contest but the doorway


-Mary Oliver, “Praying”

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

“Now, Therefore, Write for Yourselves This Song” - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


“Now, Therefore, Write for Yourselves This Song” 



-Deuteronomy 31:19 per Talmud at My Jewish Learning <>



“Nunc itaque scribite vobis canticum istud.”





What song will you write for the people of God?

Something from the Prophets or the Laws

A hymn for Mary, dancing in the spring

Or maybe praise for patient and protective Joseph


What song will you write for your own true love?

Gentle rhyming for the music of her gentle laugh

Iambics and meters her intellect to please

Birdsong sweet to limn her holiness


What song will you write for the world God made?

Matins for mist and mountain and flowered glade

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Epiphany Moved and Improved - The Magi Must Re-Schedule Their Arrival Time


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Epiphany Moved and Improved –

The Magi Must Re-Schedule Their Arrival Time


Whatever committee decides these things

Has chosen to shift ancient feasts about

For the convenience of the modern world

In scheduling meetings and interviews


Magi following a smart watch in the sky

The ostler wants the stable cleared by ten

King Herod tapping massacres on an app

Plough Monday must be reset to Tuesday next


Whatever committee decides these things

Is stricken deaf when the sacring bell rings

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Why Do They Say He was Tragically Murdered? - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Why Do They Say He was Tragically Murdered?


Was anyone ever joyfully murdered?

Happily murdered?

Humorously murdered?

Gloriously murdered?


When at dusk a mist begins to rise

A sinister mist from across the fields

And you seem to perceive a malevolent being

Peering at you from the tree line dark


Yes, something is watching you


It is not God-banished Grendel from Beowulf

Nor is it Nesferatu creeping up to you

Or a Haunt arising from a long-lost grave

It is something even more grotesque and obscene:


                                            An Adverb

The Presumption in Wake-Up Calls - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The Presumption in Wake-Up Calls


A wake-up call is but a manifesto

Retro 1968 but less literate

Demanding that the world pay attention

To the temper-tantrums of some middle-aged guy


Who knows all about guns ‘n’ bombs ‘n’ stuff

While the rest of us know all about raising our kids

Working 12-hour shifts, paying our bills

Building our lives, and taking care of each other


The rest of us have grown-up things to do

    The presumptuous waker-upper

Should ditch his childish ego and wake up himself

Activate Your Card Now! It's Easy! - doggerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Activate Your Card Now! It’s Easy!


‘Enry ‘Iggins, Tiffany in Calcutta, and my Cousins Down the Road


There even are places where English completely disappears -

Why, in America they haven't used it for years!


-Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady


California and council flats, aye, there’s the nexus

Great Britain taught the world English right and proper

But in hearing my cousins from Caney Head, Texas

I conclude that the Empire has come a cropper!

This Unit Not Labeled for Retail Sale - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


This Unit Not Labeled for Retail Sale


You can’t break me apart, she said to me

This unit is not labeled for retail sale

And if you think that you like what you see

You can post your money for the emotional bail


A Christmas candy said “The Unit Not Labeled for Retail Sale” so I had a little fun with that.

Friday, January 3, 2025

The Stray 'Possum Cafe - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office



The Stray ‘Possum Café


The only comparisons in Western literature might be with the Romantics or the Beat Generation, but the Russian Silver Age poets outdazzled them in glamour and intrigue.


-Darran Anderson



We lay our scene not in Saint Petersburg

Where Anna Ahkmatova flirted and rhymed

With Gumilyov, Mandelstam, and Tsvetaeva

Among champagne, cigarettes, tears, and pearls


In the old and storied Stray Dog Café 

But in a field on a December night

Where two opossums meet in quest of love

And wrangle in the leaves of intimacy


Poor strays making…art…without any fear

Of execution by the Kremlin Mountaineer



Saint Petersburg’s Stray Dog Café was a matrix for art, music, dance, and poetry from imperial Russia to the Soviet horror, and thence into the world.  It almost serves as a sort of hinge between the 19th century and the 20th. Please read Darran Anderson’s professional and thus accessible article in City JournalAnna Akhmatova’s Bravery.


I am having fun with intruding ‘possums among the Silver Age poets, but as for them, yes, they are essential. Their brilliance still shines for us and influences what we write even if we are unaware of them – and for that most of them were murdered by the mad tyranny of Communism.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

So This is the New Year - poem



Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


So This is the New Year



The road goes ever on and on…


-from at least three variations of a song in The Lord of the Rings



About this new year – it doesn’t look so new

A metaphorical kick of the tires suggests

It’s been down many roads before

But then, so have we


About this new year – it doesn’t look so new

But the first sunlight in the bare oak trees

And upon last summer’s ground-shoaling leaves

Lead me to pull on my boots and step outside


Frost, sky, sunlight, cardinals, squirrels, life

About this new year – it looks pretty good now

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...