Sunday, June 9, 2024

From Shakespeare: My Spirit is Thine, the Better Part of Me - poem



Lawrence Hall HSG


From Shakespeare: My Spirit is Thine, the Better Part of Me


Cf. Shakespeare’s Sonnet 74


No kinsman could offer comfort there,
To a soul left drowning in desolation.


-“The Seafarer,” trans. Burton Raffel


When we die, our little things disappear:

Hairbrushes and pocketknives, fountain pens

Car keys, spare change, books, clothes, unopened mail

A souvenir coffee cup from Canada


An old uniform, a pistol from the war

A clock, a crucifix, Topsider shoes

Family pictures, a graduation ring

A magnifying glass, a radio


Bits and bobs, all sorts of trivial stuff

And a poem for you – it’s not enough


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