Tuesday, March 4, 2025

Prancing Chainsaw Dude - senryu


Lawrence Hall


Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Prancing Chainsaw Dude


Prancing chainsaw dude

Humiliates all of us

But we obey him

The Seven Seeing-Stones - poem


Lawrence Hall


Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The Seven Seeing-Stones


Good Tolkien writes of spring far better than we

With layered allusions to Celtic and Nordic myths

His Fairy Folk sing clearly in rainbow rhymes

Among the crocuses abloom ‘round ancient trees


My crocuses bloom ‘round a shaggy lawn

With garden furniture in need of paint

And morning coffee in a Tupperware cup

To serve as a greeting to the rising sun


Friend Tolkien writes of spring for you and me

And through his Seven Seeing-Stones – we see!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Scriptural Textual Analysis Applied to Act II of Macbeth - poem


Lawrence Hall


Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Scriptural Textual Analysis Applied to Act II of Macbeth


The Book of Steve Jobs 43:13-16


“Oh, no, Mr. Hall!

It’s right here in the Bible!” she exclaimed

Standing up suddenly from her desk

Eagerly waving her MePhone aloft


And then she paused

Appeared to be slightly embarrassed


Took a selfie


And laughed some more


As did we all



Friday, February 21, 2025

You Were Dancing Up the Lane - poem


Lawrence Hall


Dispatches for the Colonial Office


You Were Dancing Up the Lane


In an old lawn chair I sat and dozed

And felt amber dusk sealing the day

Though I was weary and my eyes were half-closed

I heard you – you, whistling a romantic lay


You were skipping barefoot up the lane

Your skirt all a-dance for your heart’s desire

O Lady-Queen of our happy demesne

With flowers for me, your most devoted squire


I awoke, I blinked – I was all alone -

The sun had set on us, many years gone


But I saw you dancing up the lane…

Thursday, February 20, 2025

The Church Garage Sale - doggerel



Lawrence Hall


Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The Church Garage Sale


(Although the garage sale is in the parish hall because there is no garage)



A garage sale is a rebuke to us all -

The metaphysical finger having writ

Turns now from that lost Babylonian wall

And points at us as if to scribe this bit:


Why did you buy these masses of junk at all?

Candy-Colored Canes in the Waiting Room - doggerel


Lawrence Hall


Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Candy-Colored Canes in the Waiting Room


In the waiting room: rows of colored canes

Aluminum canes for the weak of breath and gait

For us who suffer from imbalance and pains -

We also swerve who only sit and wait

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

I Believe in Love, NOW STAY AWAY - poem


Lawrence Hall


Dispatches for the Colonial Office


I Believe in Love, NOW STAY AWAY


In the tiny coffee shop all the tables were full

A man kept his table to himself

And would not acknowledge anyone

Defensive behind his deep-thoughts book


The rest of us shared our tables and space

Exchanging greetings, pleasantries, and thanks

Passing the cream and sweeteners and napkins around


Except for that one poor sullen man


On the cover was a drawing of a Christian dove -

His book was entitled I Believe in Love

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Mhall46184@aol.com Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...