Lawrence Hall, HSG
The Several Olympic Committees
Sewerage, filth, top-scum, toxins, debris
Deadly bacteria, openly-floating poo
The pollution of the ages flowing free –
(They say the River Seine’s in bad shape too)
Newspaper columns not published in any newspaper (and there's probably a reason for that)
Lawrence Hall, HSG
The Several Olympic Committees
Sewerage, filth, top-scum, toxins, debris
Deadly bacteria, openly-floating poo
The pollution of the ages flowing free –
(They say the River Seine’s in bad shape too)
Lawrence Hall, HSG
A Small-Minded Man
Oh, yes, I am a very small-minded
Whose horizon stops at the
apple trees
Whose vision is much upon
the little things:
A tiny snail upon a
pepper-plant leaf
A placid rabbit nibbling
at the lawn
A squirrel feasting on his
daily grains and seeds
A bluebird shyly hiding among
the oaks
A mockingbird mocking all
the rest of us
No grand visions for me; I
will not leave
Small villages of dead bodies
and wicked smoke
The rotting bodies of children
and animals
Cratered cities of bomb-blackened
ruins and stench
I promote no world-changing
master plan -
Deo Gratias, I am a very small-minded man
Lawrence Hall, HSG
Playing the Hitler Card
We say we would never play that card
But we see that it has been played
It lies upon the table before us -
And whose febrile hand placed it there?
Lawrence Hall, HSG
A Mildly Amusing Repudiation of the Concept of Entropy
For poetry too is a little
-C. S. Lewis, Reflections on the
All that ever was, that
is, that ever will be -
All is from God, and will
return to God
As elegant iambic
(Okay, maybe tetrameter)
Lawrence Hall, HSG
The Olympics as Imagined by John Milton
On the anniversary of the martyrdom of
Father Jacques Hamel
The Olympics this year seem demon-haunted -
Christians, Jews, and amateur sports not wanted
Lawrence Hall, HSG
On Being a Still Life Today
No outside duties have
called me away today
And so I have become a still
life entitled “Ennui”
Or perhaps “Weltschmerz
with a Pet Dog”
Two dogs, actually, and
they have napped the hours
The rain has fallen day
after day after day
A parallel to the Ancient
Mariner’s sun
Tree frogs cling to the
algae-green window panes
As if they too have lost
interest in life
Even so
With my little world all
rainy and grey
I am happy to be a still
life today
Lawrence Hall, HSG
In Memoriam – Ayden Rose
Eternal rest, O Lord, grant unto your daughter
Ayden Rose
and make perpetual Light to shine upon her
Ayden was a neat, funny kid in my 9:00 o’clock class
Hard-working and smart, and more than a little bit saucy
As eighteen-year-olds are supposed to be
She grew up to be a triple-threat teacher and coach
And on Monday night some hero shot her in the back
Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting You know him well, that untuc...