Thursday, February 13, 2025

Watching the Rain Without You - poem

 Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Watching the Rain Without You


The rain is incomplete without you

If you were here we could sit on the couch

I’d put a Frank Sinatra on the machine

So he and the rain could sing to us


But especially to you


The rain is incomplete without you

If you were here we could lie on the floor

As I read the funny papers to you

And do you like good ol’ Charlie Brown?


But of course you do


The rain is incomplete without you

It misses you almost as much as I



Groovin' on Graveyards - a poem about the night shift


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The Graveyard Shift


At two in the morning everything is old

The hours, the work, the fluorescent lights

The air, the night, flickering computer screens

Even the freshly-made coffee in the break room


At two in the morning everything is old

The way the new guy snuffles his dripping nose

The cleaning lady’s mop bucket and its rattling roll

The snoopervisor’s totally fake good cheer


At two in the morning everything is old

“You’ll love the fellowship on graveyards,” I was told

A Penny Saved is a Worthless Zinc Disc Gathering Dust in a Drawer - doggerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


A Penny Saved is a Worthless Zinc Disc Gathering Dust in a Drawer



“Feed the birds, tuppounds a bag…”


-as Mary Poppins did not sing



It seems that our last penny has been spent

We will miss the fakey copper glint

Our other pot-metal coinage should take the hint:

We do not have a stable governMINT

My Shakespearean Girl - sonnet


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


My Shakespearean Girl


I woke in sadness that the dream had passed

But joyed that the vision had come at all             

To comfort me with happy memories cast

Into my sleep through moonlight on the wall


Through moonlight on the wall, through starlit sky

That long-ago world in our golden youth

When she danced as lightly as a butterfly

Through sunlit fields where all was truth


Through sunlit fields on her little bare feet

As gracefully as a leaping summer fawn

Or rhyme and meter when in verse they meet

In that magic hour whence breathes the dawn


In that magic hour we were once more

So very close to that opening door…

Saturday, February 8, 2025

A Dachshund Dreaming of Rabbit for Supper - DOGgerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


A Dachshund Dreaming of Rabbit for Supper


My little Luna-Dog has a bad habit

Of chasing after her back-yard rabbit


But still let not your mind be troubled or fraught

With fear for that rabbit who is never caught!

Pirates to Starboard! - a poem about childhood


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Pirates to Starboard next to the Dairy Cows!


My neighbors’ field is low; it tends to flood

Their children sail their kayak as pirates bold

And laugh and splash upon the sloshy mud

Swallows and Amazons in search of gold


Most comfortable with our feet propped up

We old folks sit upon the porch all dry

Each an admiral with his coffee cup

And let the heavy monsoon pass us by


We too were pirates in our dreaming youth

We wish we still were – and that’s the truth!

Little Thoughts of God - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office



Little Thoughts of God


We are not some casual and meaningless product of evolution. Each of us is the result of a thought of God. Each of us is willed, each of us is loved, each of us is necessary.


-Papa Benedict, 24 April 2005



Our children play with little toy trucks and trains

Comb Barbie’s hair and then arrange Ken’s tie

They get fussed at for pulling the puppy’s tail

They cuddle up with kittens and Winnie-the-Pooh


Our children create worlds with construction paper

Discover Narnia in a new box of crayons

They get fussed at for writing on the wall

They squirm in church; they tickle Daddy’s beard


Our children love their chapter books (and us!)

“Is this a picture of a pirate ship?”

They get fussed at for asking soooooo many questions

“Daddy, will you read us a story now?”


Dear Lord –


Let our children grow up and make us proud


Dear Lord –


Let our children grow up


In 2022 firearms accounted for 30% of deaths in children 1 to 17


-Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Health

Annual Firearm Violence Data | Center for Gun Violence Solutions

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...