Lawrence Hall, HSG
For Cate and Jack
Or Jack and Cate?
On Christmas
Certain joys about Christmas are always true
For among the season’s constant blessings
Are you!
Newspaper columns not published in any newspaper (and there's probably a reason for that)
Lawrence Hall, HSG
For Cate and Jack
Or Jack and Cate?
On Christmas
Certain joys about Christmas are always true
For among the season’s constant blessings
Are you!
Lawrence Hall, HSG
Do Dogs Have Souls?
“Behold, I make all things new.”
Revelations 21:3-5
Do dogs have souls?
Oh, how can one look into those big brown eyes
And not know the answer
Lawrence Hall, HSG
Our Dear Leader in
His Jet Pilot Sunglasses
Democracy is dead, a memory, a husk
Selected, not elected: President Musk
Lawrence Hall, HSG
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was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander
you were…within range of a telescreen.
-Orwell, 1984
But your privacy? Nah; deal with it, you see
Baked beans, magazines and mountain scenes
Vacation trips and handy houseware tips -
They see you, they know you, they hunt you
Podcasts, partisan views, gossipy news
Engine parts, how-to vids, and funny kids
Treating head lice, tax advice, dancing mice
They see you, they know you, they hunt you
Through your made-in-Shanghai Palantir
Adverts will forever make you fear,
My Precious
(“Palantir” is here an
allusion to Tolkien’s genius, not to the software people.)
Lawrence Hall, HSG
The O Antiphons,
the Star, and Us
Solstice is not a time when the sun stands still
But rather a season when the sun stands aside
That we may better know the mysteries of deep night
In darkness just before deep Light returns
Out in the cold, and warmly wrapped in hope
We pray the O antiphons as we scan the sky
For the prophetic Star we long to see
The Star that guides us in our wanderings
Solstice is that season when the sun stands aside
So that eternal Dawn may then abide
Lawrence Hall, HSG
You (Formerly Known as You)
X, formerly known as Twitter
And then there is you
Formerly known as you
Go read a book
Go get a job
Go get a life
Go get a clue
Work in the yard
Volunteer at the school
Wash the dishes
Clean up the house
Raise your children
Be positive
Be a role model
Be a real mensch
Be a real friend
Be a neighbor
By the Grace of God
Be truly you
You are no one’s glassy-eyed parasite -
Go out into the world and do yourself proud
Lawrence Hall, HSG
Camp Pendleton in Springtime
Field Medical Service School, 1968
There was no warmth in our sleeping bags
Spring rain sluiced down the dark and through our tents
Decaying tents from the Second World War
The Corps would spend no money on tents or us
we were young, and playing at war was fun
kept our rifles dry but nothing else
yarned throughout the cold and soggy nights
days and nights mud-fighting the VC
an hour or two of soggy sleep
in my pocket, warm words from my favorite poet
Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office May Our Children Live Long Enough to Invade Greenland ...