Friday, August 2, 2024

Teaching a Bible in Public Schools


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Teaching a Bible in Public Schools


For Miz Grundy and Reverend Gantry


Surely a teacher could choose his own Bible

This shouldn’t be as difficult as it seems

It couldn’t possibly be forbidden or liable

To teach the children from the Douay-Rheims


2 August 2024


I confess to you and to almighty God that I long earned my daily bread as an English teacher in high school and as a part-time adjunct faculty instructor of no status whatsoever in several nice little community colleges and universities.


English literature obtains in a Christian milieu even from Anglo-Saxon / Old English times. From the earliest known pieces until 1535 the culture is exclusively Catholic; from then on the culture tends to be within the Reformation usages. This is a reality to be understood, not a point of propaganda.


Dr. David Hadas, of happy memory, was my professor at an NEH program at Bread Loaf years ago. He was brilliant, generous, open, challenging, joyful, and indulgent to a lot of high school teachers in a summer class sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Several of us figured out that Dr. Hadas was Jewish, and I was chosen (no pun) to ask him why he always carried a King James Bible to his lectures. We noted that he almost never referred to it because he knew it deeply. His response was, and this remembered quote is probably almost exact, "I teach English literature, and if you don't know the King James Bible you don't know English literature."


His intellectual openness and honesty are quite at variance with the unhappy Elmer Gantrys demanding that the Bible (presumably not the Hebrew Bible or the Vulgate) be force-fitted in inappropriate contexts in public schools. He well knew the difference between teaching and "preaching at."



Beloved professor passes away after long illness - Student Life Archives (

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Men Beating Up Women is not an Olympic Ideal


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Several Olympic Committees


Sewerage, filth, top-scum, toxins, debris

Deadly bacteria, openly-floating poo

The pollution of the ages flowing free –


(They say the River Seine’s in bad shape too)

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

A Small-Minded Man - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Small-Minded Man


Oh, yes, I am a very small-minded man

Whose horizon stops at the apple trees

Whose vision is much upon the little things:

A tiny snail upon a pepper-plant leaf


A placid rabbit nibbling at the lawn

A squirrel feasting on his daily grains and seeds

A bluebird shyly hiding among the oaks

A mockingbird mocking all the rest of us


No grand visions for me; I will not leave

Small villages of dead bodies and wicked smoke

The rotting bodies of children and animals

Cratered cities of bomb-blackened ruins and stench


I promote no world-changing master plan -

Deo Gratias, I am a very small-minded man

Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Playing the Hitler Card - poem



Lawrence Hall, HSG


Playing the Hitler Card


We say we would never play that card

But we see that it has been played

It lies upon the table before us -

And whose febrile hand placed it there?

Monday, July 29, 2024

A Mildly Amusing Repudiation of the Concept of Entropy - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Mildly Amusing Repudiation of the Concept of Entropy


For poetry too is a little incarnation.


-C. S. Lewis, Reflections on the Psalms


All that ever was, that is, that ever will be -

All is from God, and will return to God

As elegant iambic pentameter


(Okay, maybe tetrameter)

Sunday, July 28, 2024

The Olympics as Imagined by John Milton - couplet


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Olympics as Imagined by John Milton


On the anniversary of the martyrdom of


Father Jacques Hamel


The Olympics this year seem demon-haunted -

Christians, Jews, and amateur sports not wanted

On Being a Still Life Today - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


On Being a Still Life Today


No outside duties have called me away today

And so I have become a still life entitled “Ennui”

Or perhaps “Weltschmerz with a Pet Dog”

Two dogs, actually, and they have napped the hours


The rain has fallen day after day after day

A parallel to the Ancient Mariner’s sun

Tree frogs cling to the algae-green window panes

As if they too have lost interest in life


Even so


With my little world all rainy and grey

I am happy to be a still life today


Falling Into Truth - poem

   Lawrence Hall, HSG                                                    Falling Into Truth   The fall of October’s leave...