Sunday, July 28, 2024

On Being a Still Life Today - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


On Being a Still Life Today


No outside duties have called me away today

And so I have become a still life entitled “Ennui”

Or perhaps “Weltschmerz with a Pet Dog”

Two dogs, actually, and they have napped the hours


The rain has fallen day after day after day

A parallel to the Ancient Mariner’s sun

Tree frogs cling to the algae-green window panes

As if they too have lost interest in life


Even so


With my little world all rainy and grey

I am happy to be a still life today


Saturday, July 27, 2024

In Memoriam - Ayden Rose


Lawrence Hall, HSG


In Memoriam – Ayden Rose




Eternal rest, O Lord, grant unto your daughter


Ayden Rose


and make perpetual Light to shine upon her




Ayden was a neat, funny kid in my 9:00 o’clock class

Hard-working and smart, and more than a little bit saucy

As eighteen-year-olds are supposed to be

She grew up to be a triple-threat teacher and coach


And on Monday night some hero shot her in the back


Upon an Abomination in Paris - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Upon an Abomination in Paris


Opening Ceremony at the Paris Olympics


All are welcome at the Table of the Lord

But first

It’s always good manners to wash your face and hands

Let's Go for Coffee - Grab Your Flak Jacket - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Let’s Go for Coffee - Grab Your Flak Jacket


Some give their sons semi-automatics and hate

Instead of family and purpose and love

Instead of guided study and structured faith

Instead of fishing poles and summer afternoons

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Your (Famous Name Brand) Credit Card Has Arrived! - an assemblage of corporate techno-babble


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Your New (Famous Name Brand) Credit Card Has Arrived!


UserName already taken card

number invalid access code too short

access code already taken last four

digits of your social download the app

link pay save 3 easy ways to activate

scan the QR code with your phone’s camera

error visit

register your account for consumer center

error error error invalid please say yes or no

I didn’t quite get that call 1-XXX-XXX-XXXX

this call is being monitored for your protection

we didn’t tell anyone that enable

paperless statements set up alerts error

your number is invalid your number is invalid

your number is invalid all our representatives

are busy right now but I could refer you to

our site your number is invalid select

your savings every day earn save save

even more that number cannot be accessed

see your rewards program terms for details

please try again


Prisoners Working in the Early Morning Rain - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Prisoners Working in the Early Morning Rain


We have all worked in the rain – building fences

Getting up the cows for milking twice a day

Sloshing through the muck to make deliveries

And usually with some choice in the matter


Prisoners have choices too – cells or a work detail

In designer costumes with horizontal stripes

Not much of a choice, but the work is needful and good

Picking up the litter of freedom and patching the road


Through the wipers I wave. They wave back. Rain -

We have all passed by our fellow man in the rain

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Orgiastic Screaming from Below - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Orgiastic Screaming from Below


Those who called for Nonsense will find that it comes


-C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength


We have seen Milton’s Pandaemonium

Choreographed on a wide palantir

Fallen angels praising the Great Fallen One

In a High Council of electrified lies


Great thunderings of fire and rolling smoke

Issuing from a shiny plastic throne of power

The Great Fallen One framed in Elvis lights

On the floor the lesser ones screaming in ecstasy


The Great Fallen One has a plan for us

After all the balloons, too, have fallen

[Allusions to C. S. Lewis' That Hideous Strength, Milton's Paradise Lost, and Tolkien's Lord of the Rings]

Falling Into Truth - poem

   Lawrence Hall, HSG                                                    Falling Into Truth   The fall of October’s leave...