Sunday, July 7, 2024

A Hurricane: Outer Bands and Inner Thoughts - haiku


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Hurricane: Outer Bands and Inner Thoughts


Sun gives way to clouds

Stillness to winds, birds circle

Searching for meaning

Reading the Magna Carta Will Make Us Smarter - doggerel for Supreme Court Justices


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Reading the Magna Carta Will Make Us Smarter


(And it bans fish weirs in the Thames)


The Kings have been subject to the law since 1215

But are American presidents? That remains to be seen


In Defense of King George | Smithsonian (


The President Can Now Assassinate You, Officially | The Nation

A Sunday Morning Church Message: "Some Folks Need Killing"


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Sunday Morning Church Message: “Some Folks Need Killing”


“…disciple-makers through the power of Jesus Christ!”


-Lake Church


A lieutenant-governor strutting and yelling in church

Demanded the deaths of “some folks” unspecified

The faithful of Lake Church heard out his deadly cause

And then obediently applauded him -


The man who might someday order their executions



NC Lt. Gov. Robinson defends ‘folks need killing’ comments (


Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson at NC church meeting: “Some folks need killing” (


HOME | Lake Church NC

Hurricane Track Attack Forth and Back - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Hurricane Track Attack Forth and Back


Spaghetti models are not really spaghetti

But only colored lines across electric maps

Squiggling in iridescence around the Gulf

Slithering atop the waves, then to your house


The weather reporters’ cliches fall from the skies

As microbursts of bottled-water-babbles

Canned goods and fresh radio batteries

Tune to this station as your roof blows away


Spaghetti models are not really spaghetti

But watch the news in the street – he’s getting all wet-ty!

Yes, We Are a Republic, Much Like Haiti - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Yes, We Are a Republic – Much Like Haiti


As for the men in power, they are so anxious to establish the myth of infallibility that they do their utmost to ignore truth.


-Pasternak, Doctor Zhivago


In America every night is Kristalnacht

Everyone seems to hate everyone else

Gunfights in our parks, mass murders everywhere

Communist-made fireworks celebrate freedom


From state to state a reichskirche is on the march

Employment is down, prices are up

Vultures circle our dying President

Some in Congress promote raw genocide


The Supreme Court authorizes presidential crimes -

As St. Thomas More said to Lord Norfolk:

“I show you the times”

It Wasn't the Fourth of July - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


It Wasn’t the Fourth of July


     That we may wander o’er this bloody field

     To book our dead, and then to bury them


-Henry V IV.vii.75-76


It wasn’t the fourth of July, but it was about then

Near the Cambodian border, on the Vam Co Tay

Searching for two American airman whose machine had gone down

Down, down into the steaming green Vam Co Tay


Bloated and floating, quite still when we saw them

The sloshy prop wash bumped them about a bit

Empty eye sockets, mouths open in silent screams

We poncho-linered their bodies aboard the boat


Cigarettes of despair against the stench and rot

This was not what we sang about in school

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

The Haunted Electric Toothbrush - doggerel


(I don't know why this program has suddenly decided to double-space. Perhaps it is conspiring with my electric toothbrush)

Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Haunted Electric Toothbrush


This morning at dawn

I was alone

I heard a moan

A mysterious groan

A ceaseless drone

It wasn’t the ‘phone


It was my toothbrush


It had on its own

Turned itself on


My Philips Sonicare ™© and (legal protections in a peach tree) has done me good service for years. This morning it turned itself on atop a glass shelf with other little bottles of this and tubes of that, making an unusual moaning / groaning / droning that took me some time to sort out. It is a great device; when it finally hands in its lunch pail (as Bertie Wooster would say) I will buy another just like it.

Falling Into Truth - poem

   Lawrence Hall, HSG                                                    Falling Into Truth   The fall of October’s leave...