Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A D-Day Reminder to Every Neo-Nazi Oaf, Including Members of Congress and Justices of the Supreme Court


Lawrence Hall HSG


A D-Day Reminder to Every Neo-Nazi Oaf


Including Members of Congress

And Justices of the Supreme Court


There is poetry in this:

Our flag was not flown upside-down at Normandy

Monday, June 3, 2024

Shakespeare: Behold a Man - poem


Lawrence Hall HSG


Behold a Man


Cf. Shakespeare’s Sonnets 67 & 68


He is a man who needs no oils or scents

The arts of makeup, filters on a lens

A touch of blush upon his honest chin

A photographer’s vanity lights placed just so


He is a man who is his own manly self

Washed, shaved, and combed by his own rugged hands

Hands that know shovel, hammer, ax, and saw

A businessman’s hands, a protective father’s hands


He is a man who needs no frippery

For he is clean and honest and just, you see

The Doorkeeper of Notre Dame - doggerel


Lawrence Hall HSG


The Doorkeeper of Notre Dame


“I pray you remember the porter”


-Macbeth II.iii.22


“‘Tis my limited service” on Sundays to mind the door

To open it to the faithful with cheerful greetings

This is pretty much my skill-level, this modest chore

Such is the ancient custom for Sunday meetings


A family of long acquaintance approached, almost late

They live some miles away and had a long drive

Their youngest son held his hand out at the holy gate

I thought his intent was a youthful high five


But with only one finger he greeted me!

And that was my lesson in humility


As for the boy


While the servers rang the welcoming bell

His momma yanked him outside and gave him (peace)

Thursday, May 30, 2024

A Pharmacy Aisle Marked INDEPENDENT LIVING - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Pharmacy Aisle Marked INDEPENDENT LIVING


“We shall never surrender”


-Churchill, 1940


Bed and bath grip bars, universal crutches

Quadrupedal crutch tips, raised toilet seats

Cleaning wipes, reaching tools, bedside commodes

Walking sticks (but not one with an Elvis theme)


Sitz baths and universal urinals

Transport chairs, folding walkers, rolling walkers

Commode liner bags, inflatable cushions

Walker ski glides, walker tennis balls


None of this is depressing; it is inspiring:

“We shall never surrender”

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Cataract Surgery (I'll keep an eye out for you) - poem



Lawrence Hall, HSG


Cataract Surgery (I’ll Keep an Eye Out for You)


Cataract surgery, the left eye today

Which means I that while I can see through the right

The left side of the world is an iridescent pinkish blue

Through which only a few shapes can be perceived


And that’s fine (altho’ I keep tapping the wrong keys)

Sometimes we should look at the world differently

Think of Ransom on Lewis’ Malacandra

Or John Carter on Edgar Rice Burroughs’ Mars


When you can see through only one lonely eye

Our home planet too is strange and wild

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Groooving in Area 52 - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Grooving in Area 52




The Beatles got it wrong back-then-ago

When groovy discs through grooves grooved out our songs -

For we now groove in an Area 52

Not in a groovy screen-door submarine  




We groove and grok in bondage behind chain links

Where elderly men fondle their guitars

And middle-aged women dressed as majorettes

Jiggle duct tape and weight-loss medications




The Beatles grooved it right ago-back-then -

Old grooves, dull mediocrity still lock us in

Monday, May 27, 2024

A Cranky Little old Man Wearing a Bandage on His Forehead and Yelling at His Wife and Passersby While Standing in Line at the Wal-Mart Pharmacy Which Opened Five Minutes Late


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Cranky Little old Man Wearing a Bandage on His Forehead and Yelling at His Wife and Passersby While Standing in Line at the Wal-Mart Pharmacy Which Opened Five Minutes Late


“It’s crap, I tell you; it’s just crap! Hey, you bump me again and I’m going to whip your /ss! Why don’t these people walk in that other aisle!? Can’t they see that there’s a line in this aisle!? What’s that?  That’s just crap; I told you that! Hey! Why’re you people late!? I don’t want to sit down don’t tell me to sit down I don’t want to sit down this is all bullsh/t!  Hey! You people need to walk over there! No, I don’t want to settle down don’t tell me to settle down if these people had shown up for work on time they could have had our stuff ready by now but not they just come in a half hour late and they don’t care! HEY! Why aren’t these people on time I got things to do I need my stuff but they don’t care don’t walk so close to me go walk in that other aisle why are all these people here why isn’t this line moving I think that guy’s trying to sneak in no he’s at the wrong window! HEY! That’s the wrong window the line’s over here you won’t get no help there…!”


The bandage on his head needed no explanation.

Reading the Room - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   Reading the Room   I don’t know to read a room, but look – I’m stil...