Lawrence Hall, HSG
Elon Musk Invites Us Down
for Chips and Dip and Destruction
They have pulled down Deep Heaven on their Heads
-C. S. Lewis, That Hideous Strength
He’s implanted a chip, says Mr. Musk
Into the brain (certainly not the hip)
Of some poor patient who’s now just a husk
A talking head, a thing, a radar blip
And what could go wrong with this poor android
A man now fitted with an electric brain
Adjusted and programmed and tweaked and toyed -
A failed experiment thrashing in pain?
And if he fails, this humanoid chip
Musk might use him for guacamole dip
I am not a Luddite. Electronic chips, as with pacemakers, eyeglasses, and artificial joints, will be used by wise scientists and healers to make our lives better. But I wouldn't trust just anyone in the matter.