Monday, January 29, 2024

This Smart Watch Will Last - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


This Smart Watch Will Last


Time is but the stream I go a-fishing in


-Henry David Thoreau, Walden


I do not set the time; time simply is:

The dawning day requires no entrance code

The morning frost need not be set to wake

The yakking crows cannot be switched to “Off”


The lingering fog sends no notifications

The bare-limbed oaks re-set themselves in spring

The sky is the background app refresh

The wind is a warranty for life


All these good things are made to be -

I do not set the time, but God sets me

Thursday, January 25, 2024

When it Comes to Shakespearean Scholarship - This isn't It


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Avon Man and the Mystery of His First-Best Bed


I gyve unto my wief my second best bed…


-Attributed to Shakespeare in his will. Or Churchill. Or Milton. Or Elvis. Or Some Famous Man. And Shakespeare was secretly a Catholic. (No, he wasn’t.) (Yes, he was.) (No, he wasn’t.) (Yes, he was; I read it on the InterGossip.)


That second-best bed doesn’t matter a pop

Those anyones whoever slept in it are deads

Memorialized as dashboard bobbleheads

At Ye Olde Anne Hathawaye gifte shoppe


Kinge Richarde nevere cryede, “mye kyngdome fore ye bedde!”

Yea, goode olde Sirre Erpinghame joked, “Now lye I like a kynge”

So what’s the deale withe the firste-beste bedde thynge?

Thatte seconde bedde is where the Widowe rested hir hedde


Ande thusse ye scholares maken withouten cessatione
Unsupportede argumentes and allegationes

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Dentistry and Dogs - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Dentistry and Dogs


What would the world be like without dogs?


-Mary Oliver


Our little bit of the world was frozen that day

At the dentist’s office something that makes something else

Do something else was frozen and would not work

And so I waited with Mary’s book about dogs


Dog is one of the messengers of that rich and still magical first world.


The frost was still upon the windowsill

As an hour passed for me and Mary’s dogs

Their adventures in the woods, their lonely times

Their happy glances into their human’s eyes


Our new dog, named for the beloved poet, / ate a book


Even though the something else was frozen in ice

Our little bit of the world was warmer for a time


Because of the dog’s joyfulness, our own is increased



Quotes from Mary Oliver, Dog Songs, Penguin, New York: 2013


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Awkward Adolescent Verse - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Awkward Adolescent Verse



The authority of empires, driven mad,

Threatened it so many times,

But it was the rulers who perished


-Yevtushenko, “Poetry is a Great Power”


They stole his boots even before he died

And scavengers have eaten out his eyes

His flesh and blood commingle with the mud

His rotting hands still claw the earth, the pain


A dime-store notebook, shredded with his heart

Once pencilled with his awkward, juvenile lines

Of undeveloped images and clumsy rhymes

Which will not be shaped and sharpened in this world


Among young bodies rats squabble and hiss -

Someone will be given a peace prize for this


Saturday, January 20, 2024

Methodist Pecans - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Methodist Pecans


Methodist pecans


Connie-the-Haircut-Queen sells us pecans

Every Christmas, good Methodist pecans

A fundraiser sponsored by the women’s club

To be baked into cookies and pies for Christmas day


Methodist pecans


They used to come from my grandfather’s trees

But now they’re grown and gathered somewhere else

Packaged in plastic, certified, and sealed

But still they’re good Methodist pecans


Methodist pecans


And in January when the hail-storms rattle

Stuffed in a barn-coat pocket while tracking cattle


Methodist pecans - Texas blessed and Texas’ best!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Brooks' Air Conditioning, Kirbyville - great work!

Lawrence Hall, HSG


Brooks' Air Conditioning

Our central heat and air unit sent smoke throughout the house, so I cut the power and telephoned Brooks'.

Matt, a sharp young professional, came to the house and quickly identified and remedied the problems. He also installed a Nu-Calgon iwave-R ionizer in the unit to help clean the air by doing mysterious (to me) things to particles, smells, pollutants, and odors so that they are more easily trapped by your existing filter. Installing this is the sort of thing that should always be done by a professional because it must be wired into the unit. You can read about this and other ionizers on the InterGossip. The Nu-Calgon iwave-R receives consistently good reviews but of course that is a decision you must make for yourself in consultation with your professional air-conditioning tech.

Since the Nu-Calgon iwave-R has been in my unit less than a day I cannot tell you how it will work, but I do know that Matt made my unit work again, which is very comforting in this the worst part of winter. His work is excellent and Brooks' charges were very reasonable.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

In the Foggy Dawn - a Hawk on a Fencepost


Lawrence Hall, HSG


In the Foggy Dawn - a Hawk on a Fencepost


For him the hayfield is his restaurant

A baby mouse, perhaps, or a tasty rabbit

But I prefer a bacon-egg-cheese croissant -

For breakfast we are all creatures of habit!

"LA Fires Bring Art to a Halt" - poem

  Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   “LA Fires Bring Art to a Halt”   Hyperallergic: Sensitiv...