Saturday, January 20, 2024

Methodist Pecans - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Methodist Pecans


Methodist pecans


Connie-the-Haircut-Queen sells us pecans

Every Christmas, good Methodist pecans

A fundraiser sponsored by the women’s club

To be baked into cookies and pies for Christmas day


Methodist pecans


They used to come from my grandfather’s trees

But now they’re grown and gathered somewhere else

Packaged in plastic, certified, and sealed

But still they’re good Methodist pecans


Methodist pecans


And in January when the hail-storms rattle

Stuffed in a barn-coat pocket while tracking cattle


Methodist pecans - Texas blessed and Texas’ best!

Friday, January 19, 2024

Brooks' Air Conditioning, Kirbyville - great work!

Lawrence Hall, HSG


Brooks' Air Conditioning

Our central heat and air unit sent smoke throughout the house, so I cut the power and telephoned Brooks'.

Matt, a sharp young professional, came to the house and quickly identified and remedied the problems. He also installed a Nu-Calgon iwave-R ionizer in the unit to help clean the air by doing mysterious (to me) things to particles, smells, pollutants, and odors so that they are more easily trapped by your existing filter. Installing this is the sort of thing that should always be done by a professional because it must be wired into the unit. You can read about this and other ionizers on the InterGossip. The Nu-Calgon iwave-R receives consistently good reviews but of course that is a decision you must make for yourself in consultation with your professional air-conditioning tech.

Since the Nu-Calgon iwave-R has been in my unit less than a day I cannot tell you how it will work, but I do know that Matt made my unit work again, which is very comforting in this the worst part of winter. His work is excellent and Brooks' charges were very reasonable.

Thursday, January 18, 2024

In the Foggy Dawn - a Hawk on a Fencepost


Lawrence Hall, HSG


In the Foggy Dawn - a Hawk on a Fencepost


For him the hayfield is his restaurant

A baby mouse, perhaps, or a tasty rabbit

But I prefer a bacon-egg-cheese croissant -

For breakfast we are all creatures of habit!

What Do These Teachers Teach These Children in These Schools? - doggerel


Lawrence Hall, HSG



What Do These Teachers Teach These Children in These Schools?


PETA thinks this is how farmers get the wool off sheep? 😂 | Not the Bee


Sheep-shearing isn’t a topic in English class

Not here in cattle country; we give sheep a pass

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

My Illegal Oxygen-ish Apple Watch - doggerel


Lawrence Hall, HSG


(Photograph taken 23 August 2023)

My Illegal Oxygen-ish Apple Watch


Apple WILL be banned from selling smartwatches in the US from TOMORROW over claims it stole medical tech - after court rejected tech giant's appeal | Daily Mail Online


My Apple Watch ™ © ® has the oxygen feature –

Do I confess to the Law? Or to the preacher?

(My Apple Watch worked fine until it was messed up by the last two updates, which cannot be undone. When this thing fails completely I will find a cheap knockoff on amazon.)

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

The-Maybe-We’ll-Show-Up-and-Maybe-We Won’t Environmental Service


Lawrence Hall, HSG

The-Maybe-We’ll-Show-Up-and-Maybe-We Won’t Environmental Service

A little after four in the afternoon on a scheduled pickup day The-Maybe-We’ll- Show-Up-and-Maybe-We-Won’t Environmental Service sent its customers a too-late-in-the-day email stating that they wouldn’t pick up the garbage (the “environmental”) because of the icy road conditions. They said they would get it next week.

They could have made a decision and sent that email the night before so that their customers wouldn’t have to take their garbage to the end of the lane in the cold morning and then bring it back to the house in the cold afternoon.

The plea of weather conditions would be understandable except for the unhappy reality that The-Maybe-We’ll-Show-Up-and-Maybe-We-Won’t Environmental Service isn’t dependable at the best of times. In the last two months or so they have missed three pickup days, seldom answer telephone calls (the one call they answered for me was “I can’t tell you when”), and do not reply to messages. I then must load the sacks of garbage and for a dollar each leave them with the nice folks at the county dump.

The-Maybe-We’ll-Show-Up-and-Maybe-We-Won’t Environmental Service have a good thing going – I pay them for a service which they sometimes don’t perform.

And, yes, at the end of this cycle I will be a former customer. I asked The-Maybe-We’ll-Show-Up-and-Maybe-We-Won’t Environmental Service for three pickup days at the end of the contract for those they missed and $6 for the bags I took to the dump but I am not hopeful.

So have you been to our county dump extension on U.S. 96? Access is an easy drive-through and the folks there are nice and helpful, and if you have health problems they will happily unload the sacks for you.

The-Maybe-We’ll-Show-Up-and-Maybe-We-Won’t Environmental Service could learn from them.


Sunday, January 14, 2024

A Government Church?


Lawrence Hall


A Government Church?


We establish no religion in this country. We command no worship. We mandate no belief, nor will we ever. Church and state are and must remain separate.


- President Ronald Reagan, Speech in Temple Hillel, Valley Stream, New York,

26 October 1984


Each American may his own conscience search

For by the Grace of God we have no national church


Cf. The Constitution, Article VI and Amendment I

Reading the Room - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   Reading the Room   I don’t know to read a room, but look – I’m stil...