Monday, October 28, 2024

The Most Embarrassed Young Father in All of Christendom - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Most Embarrassed Young Father in All of Christendom


I will go in to the Altar of God.

To God who giveth joy to my youth.


The Roman Missal, 1962


The processional had hardly ended

With each minister and server in place

Each knee for a moment respectfully bended

In acknowledgement of God’s gentle Grace


When came to our ears a frightening assault

Of sirens and horns, and then flashing lights

Beneath the sanctuary’s sacred vault

A catalogue of wild electronic frights


To the narthex door a father rushed

Awkwardly in the sight of God and man

His handsome manly face was deeply flushed

His son’s toy helicopter was clutched in his hands


He carried the noisy gadget far away -

(A true helicopter parent we may say!)

We delight in our children; for them we pray

And thank God for all families this Sabbath day


I will go in to the Altar of God.

To God who giveth youthful joy to old age.


-Parenting 1301

Sunday, October 27, 2024

The Sunday Evening News in a Time of Elections - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Sunday Evening News in a Time of Elections


“Good things of day begin to droop and drowse”


-Macbeth III.ii.58


Suddenly the yellowing afternoon is still

For Indian Summer breezes have slipped away

While clouds of silent midges swirl against the sun

For reasons of nature known only to themselves


The treeline is blue as evening comes on

But the hayfields glow golden for a little while

Until Old Sol falls asleep at last

And the firstling stars come out to play


A rabbit shyly nibbles at the dewing grass –

The day is over; we have to let it pass

Saturday, October 26, 2024

A Plumber's Assistant, a Nazi, and an Artificial Tree - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Plumber’s Assistant, a Nazi, and an Artificial Tree


Nazi Rally in Madison Square Garden, 10 February 1939


Isadore Greenbaum wanted to punch a Nazi

And so he charged – he didn’t get very far

And was beaten up by Real Americans (cough)

          (It took only four or five of ‘em)

And arrested by the New York City Police


One Nazi stopped kicking Greenbaum to set aright

An artificial tree that was about to fall

Which is a curiosity – what remnant of good

Was in that man that he kept a decoration in place?


Greenbaum is a hero in our nation’s history -

The tidy Nazi remains a mystery

I Hear America Whining - doggerel


Lawrence Hall, HSG


I Hear America Whining


The world’s fattest people, packin’ the pounds

Driving in to McDonald’s whenever struck by the mood

And then to the beer joint, drinking in rounds

While complaining about the price of food

Friday, October 25, 2024

Torah is Written with Flames - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Torah is Written with Flames


English letters are as orderly as a battle line

But Hebrew letters are flames in their shining shapes

Even on a printed page they dance in light

And with Light comes Truth; you can see God in them


For Hebrew letters are the Burning Bush

The fires of Mount Horeb, the Temple sacrifice

The light of a Talmud scholar’s study lamp

The light of Torah upon civilization


We don’t know our letters as well as we should

But God has written them upon our hearts

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Driving Home After Work: "Thus Spake Zararthustra" on the Radio - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Driving Home After Work:

“Thus Spake Zarathustra” on the Radio


The first few bars must always remind us of

That space movie from the future long ago

With sophomores beating each other up

Or anyone trying to spell “Zarathustra “


Without looking it up; no spelling now

Driving into a drought-red setting sun

The vapours of chemicals, road tar, dust

Allergens drifting among the toxins


Poetry sorts meaning from chaos seeming -

Maybe not tonight (Sneeze!)

We Are All Children When We Attempt Haiku


Lawrence Hall, HSG


We are All Children When We Attempt Haiku


We all write Haiku

We’re not any good at it

But we honor the Shijin

SNL: Because Men Who Betray Women are so Amusing


Lawrence Hall, HSG


SNL: Because Men Who Betray Women are so Amusing


Re: Bang-Bang Baldwin


A man shoots a woman

For which another woman takes the fall

And Saturday Night Live

Is okay with it all

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Cardinal Dolan Kisses King Herod's (Hands) - doggerel


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The High Priest Kisses King Herod’s (Hands)


His Eminence the Cardinal of New York


The High Priest kisses King Herod’s (hands)

And joins him for a feast of mockeries and lies

Giving the tyrant for his crimes a pass

Laughing at Truth as civilization dies


Over lobster and beef they pity the poor

While robed in white ties and evening gowns

And silken ecclesiastical couture

(One of them has visions of papal crowns)


Gluttony and scorn at a rented manse -

All that is missing is Salome’s dance


2024 Al Smith dinner raises record $10 million, but decorum takes a back seat: Photo gallery - The Dialog

Thursday, October 17, 2024

The First Barn-Jacket Morning in Autumn - haiku


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The First Barn-Jacket Morning in Autumn


Dawn – windy and cold

The first barn-jacket morning

Wild geese singing south

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

The Kittens Come on Little Fog Feet - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Kittens Come on Little Fog Feet


As Carl Sandburg did not say


At dawn: coffee and the Wordle and thoughts

The moon’s still full, but one last star winks out

The dew-bathed oaks drip onto a tricky word

Fog drifts in silence among the tricky light


A little paw stirs soft autumn’s molding leaves

And then two eyes appear, and a greeting tail

The forming image of the cat completes itself

And then another – two abandoned cats


These tiny orphans approach – and love begins

To them I pledge

They will never be hungry or lonely again

Sunday, October 13, 2024



Lawrence Hall, HSG


On Reading Three Hundred Tang Poems


From The Jade Mountain they came

300 Tang dreams

Each in its well-ordered frame

Cups adrift in streams


The ancients speak to us still

Wisdom from the high

Each word a clear-flowing rill

Each a song, a sigh



Three Hundred Tang Poems

Translated and edited by Peter Harris

© 2009 by Peter Harris

Typeset in Somerset, England

Printed and bound on Possneck, Germany

Everyman’s Library Pocket Poets

New York: Knopf

Toronto: Penguin Random House

London: Everyman’s Library

Saturday, October 12, 2024

An Autumn Flight - haiku


Lawrence Hall, HSG


An Autumn Flight


A leaf fell, a leaf

A life of summer in flight

In bright golden flight

Friday, October 11, 2024

A Dixon Ticonderoga #2 Pencil from 1955 - poem and photograph


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Dixon Ticonderoga #2 Pencil from 1955


Neither plans nor bathroom vents last forever

The workmen pulled down the old one from ‘55

Amid a tumble of old nails and bits of wood:

A Dixon Ticonderoga #2


The yellow paint a little aged now

The green metal ring a little bit dull

The eraser now hardened beyond all use

The point well-sharpened with a pocketknife


What sturdy craftsman from the long ago

Measured out his work - I’d like to know

Thursday, October 10, 2024

One Does Not Pre-Imagine Pre-Edward R. Murrow Pre-Babbling - not exactly a poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


One Does Not Pre-Imagine Pre-Edward R. Murrow Pre-Babbling


A Lesson in Clear Writing for Journalists


Hunker down, swath of destruction, hunker down, write your Social Security number on your arm, hunker down, eerie, hunker down, monster, hunker down, time ticking down / away, hunker down, pre-positioned, hunker down, pre-planned, hunker down, pre-need (and maybe even pre-hunker down), hunker down, pre-deployed, hunker down, spooky (and possibly pre-spooky), hunker down, snapped like matchsticks (“Daddy, what’s a matchstick?”), hunker down, doomed paradise, hunker down, paradise lost, hunker down, lost paradise, hunker down, apocalypse, hunker down, biblical, hunker down, storm of the century (again?), hunker down, doomed, hunker down, doomed, hunker down, pummeled, hunker down, pummeled, hunker down, pummeled, hunker down, power lines brightly bursting, hunker down, eerie calm, hunker down, eerie quiet, hunker down, birds chirping, hunker down, unexpected sparks, hunker down, hazards are unfolding, hunker down, street lamps waver, hunker down, one-two punch, hunker down, what we know, hunker down, hunker down, hunker down

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

A Treatise on the Burrowing Habits of Dachshunds - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Treatise on the Burrowing Habits of Dachshunds


A dachshund will burrow under the garden fence

For every dachshund thinks she is a wolf

A fearsome apex predator with a squeaky toy -

This is in the nature of dachshunds


A dachshund will burrow into your tightly-closed hand

Nosing out the doggie treat you have hidden there

A fearsome apex predator and omnivore -

This is in the nature of dachshunds


A dachshund bill burrow into your end-of-day lap

Watching both the television and the cats

A fearsome apex predator drooling on your book -

This is in the nature of dachshunds


A dachshund will burrow, borrow, beg, and bark

And in her foreshadowing of that better World to come

A dachshund will burrow deeply into your heart -

And love you forever


This is in the nature of dachshunds


And of you

Friday, October 4, 2024

Falling Into Truth - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


                                               Falling Into Truth


The fall of October’s leaves is nothing new

Except that it is – this leaf never fell before

And we were never here to watch this leaf

Because we and the leaf were somewhere else


Except that we were, we are, we will be

A little leaf, each of us, springtime-new

Then dancing merrily the summer through

Now floating gently into a winter’s sleep


A coverlet soft, a hymn, a night-light moon

Sleep - sleep – another spring is coming soon

Thursday, October 3, 2024

WE ARE AMERICANS! We Buy Toilet Paper and Fight! Fight! Fight! - a sort-of poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Dock Workers’ Strike – BUY TOILET PAPER!




Whenever threatened by enemies furry or domestic

By hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, storms

By shortages of food, water, and electric power

By aliens stalking us and eating our cats

By famine, fire, dispossession, revolution




We are armed with our AK-16s and AR – 47s

Uniformed in our Wal-Mart camo from China

Size 89XXXXL-Lard-ass

And we will by God stand together as ONE -

And fight each other to the death for toilet paper!


Oh, and do you know Jesus?

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...