Friday, August 30, 2024

The Grave Robber of Fifth Avenue - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Grave Robber of Fifth Avenue


Unferth postures upon the ashes of warriors

The warriors he has despised all his wretched life

Because he is unworthy to be one of them

Warring with only his mouth and never a spear


He mocks their wounds, their missing limbs, their graves

He steals their widows and orphans for himself

As ornaments to his manic caperings

While arrogating honors he could never win


But when the Dragon comes…


But when the Dragon comes, lashing its tail

Unferth will be ghosted away as a howling wail

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

J. Alfred Prufrock and the Giant Peach - not really a poem, just three lines of blank verse being frivolous


Lawrence Hall, HSG


J. Alfred Prufrock and the Giant Peach


“Do I dare to eat a peach?” He asked

“Yes, yes. just eat the stupid peach and stop

Banging on about it,” I replied

Monday, August 26, 2024

Kafka and the Self-Service Checkout Kiosk - a bit of fun


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Kafka and the Self-Service Checkout Kiosk

                                                            Thanks to Rowan Pelling

                                    Those who have never suffered through Kafka

Should not employ the adjective “Kafkaesque”

The landgraf would not approve

When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning

from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed

in his bed into a monstrous self-service checkout kiosk.


Someone must have traduced Joseph K.,

for without doing anything wrong

he was arrested in the checkout line

one fine morning


It was late in the evening when

the supermarket supervisor arrived.



Kafka, The Metamorphosis. Trans. Stanley Corngold. New York: Norton. 1972


Kafka, The Trial. Trans. Willa and Edwin Muir. New York: The Modern Library. 1956


Kafka, The Castle. Trans. Willa and Edwin Muir. New York: Schocken. 1982


The hell of self-service checkouts is becoming Kafkaesque (

To God, Who Still Gives Joy to Our Youth - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


To God, Who Still Gives Joy to Our Youth



Introibo ad altare Dei


Ad Deum qui laetificat juventutam meum



Missals calendaring the liturgical year

Mantillas in reverent rows marked out by children

Children as rosary beads sorting out the Aves

And men in this-is-choking-me suits and ties


Candles in colored glass in reverent rows

Decades of prayers, centuries incensed with prayers

Corinthian columns in reverent rows of awe

Or perhaps the humble Doric, upholding Heaven


Fiddleback chasubles in liturgical colors

Sequenced by seasons in prismatic reverent rows

Sewn long ago by loving reverent hands

Each stitch enriched with a Latin prayer


Fidgety altar boys in their Sunday shoes

The processional cross their grandfathers knew

Nonnas, Nanas, MeeMaws in reverent rows

The occasional bead-bang of a rosary against a pew


The occasional knee-pinch to a squirming child

Latin responses in sequenced reverent rows

Latin, which later we were told we didn’t understand

Quia putabant nos stulti essemus


And on the Altar the eternal Sacrifice

Which no tyranny can ever take away


Sed fuit, est, erit

If a Book Could Take Just One Human to a Desert Island - very short not-really-a-poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


If a Book Could Take Just One Human to a Desert Island


Who would it take?








A librarian?

Upon Re-Reading William L. Shirer's THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Upon Re-Reading William L. Shirer’s

The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich


Perhaps one day America will go fascist democratically, by popular vote.


-William L. Shirer, New York Times, 29 December 1969


We do not live Samsara, for Samsara has meaning

So this is not Samsara; this is a cascade of deaths

We live in linear time – or maybe we don’t -

And the gods of hate sneak in ahead of us

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Before Me Sits Young Pablo Neruda - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Before Me Sits Young Pablo Neruda


On the paperback cover of Residence on Earth


Before me sits pensive Pablo Neruda

His young face resting upon his slender hand

He looks a little to the left of the photographer’s eye

He appears to be thinking great thoughts


Or he might be thinking


Why am I posing like a high school senior?



Residence on Earth, introduction by Jim Harrison

New York: New Directions Publishing Corporation

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Assembling a Metal Lawn Chair with Great Care (and a Ball-Peen Hammer) - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Assembling a Metal Lawn Chair with Great Care

 (and a Ball-Peen Hammer)


A friend gave me a lawn chair in tangerine

Bright tangerine, with instructions in English

Which I followed most assiduously

Which parts of the chair most surely did not


The instructions did not mention a ball-Peen hammer

With brutality and words which must not be spoken

(Think of Vulcan and his mighty strokes)

I finally assembled the chair to my satisfaction


And then I sat down


Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Our Children Will Ask Us What We Did in 2024 - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Our Children Will Ask Us What We Did in 2024



            Thus was th’ applause they meant,

Turned to exploding hiss, triumph to shame

Cast on themselves from thir own mouths.


Milton, Paradise Lost, X.545-547



Have we not learned?


The Zeppelinfield, the Kroll Opera House

The Great Hall of 10,000 People

The Hippodrome, the Piazza Venetia

Red Square, and the Quicken Loans Arena


Weak beings subsumed within one commanding Will

Adoring with glistening eyes and beating hearts

A strident oligarchy of destiny

Chanting obscurities and pumping fists


But when the chanting stops and foul diktats roll –

Will you - will I? - be a defiant soul?

Blue Moon and a Spooky Old Tree - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Blue Moon and a Spooky Old Tree


To watch the moonrise is almost liturgical

Her bright silver light behind the far-off pines

Rising and glowing and larger and larger

Silent and silver, lifting above the woods


I set a camera to watch Moon through the night

Electronics see the night and light differently

The old apple tree appears white and skeletal

And ghosts pretending to be insects flit about


Moon and trees and ghosts when left alone

Make merry mischief knowing that I am gone

Monday, August 19, 2024

People Who Are Paid to Make Their Own Businesses Fail - in their own words


Lawrence Hall, HSG


We Have All Dealt with this Company, Whose Name is Legion


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Sunday, August 18, 2024

The Moon is Upon Her Throne Tonight - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Moon is Upon Her Throne Tonight


The moon is dressed in her shining best tonight

With silvering joy and lunar happiness

Flying and flowing, flung from her starry wand

Flying and falling upon her glowing-night realm


We loyal subjects peek from our windows to see

An argent pageant royal of beauty and truth

Even in summer the lawn is a frosty field

For her monthly dance, by her command


The Lady of the Moon is our Summer Queen

As she will be, and is, and ever has been

Saturday, August 17, 2024

We All Know Where the Holy Grail Is - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


We Know Where the Holy Grail Is



“They all say they’ve got the Holy Grail. So who’s right?”


The Holy Grail: Many places say they have it. So who’s right? | CNN



We know where the Holy Grail is

Each Sunday we see it on the Altar

As a cup, indifferent in its origins

In the catalogue of a church supply


A rabbi, a carpenter, and God

Walk into a rented room

And a Passover Kiddush cup is blessed

With the Viaticum, for all of us


A Passover seder is neither first nor last

It is forever – and here is the Cup

Thunderstorm, Texas-Louisiana Border, 15 August 2024, Photo 5


Thunderstorm, Texas-Louisiana Border, 15 August 2024, Photo 4


Thunderstorm, Texas-Louisiana Border, 15 August 2024, Photo 3


Thunderstorm, Texas-Louisiana Border, 16 August 2024, Photograph 2


Thunderstorm, Texas-Louisiana Border, 16 August 2024, Photograph 2


Where do Sunflowers go in August? - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Where do Sunflowers go in August?



May our love for the Sun, the will of God, be as strong as the sunflower’s…


-attributed to St. John of Tobolsk



With the mower I took the sunflowers down

The withered remnants, stalks and heads and seeds

Those few remaining seeds rejected by the birds

For reasons of their own


With the mower I circled ‘round and round

Building a thickish thatch as a sort of nest

For seeds in anticipation of autumn

The seasons know their own


With the mower I saw high summer gone

I mowed – or had I mown?

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Gravitas of Our Vice-Presidential Candidates - a poem, but not a very good one


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Gravitas of Our Vice-Presidential Candidates


In the end it was the worst speaker of the lot who received the most applause. People made no effort to follow him and merely roared approval at his every word…


Doctor Zhivago, p. 36


Like high school boys behind the old school gym

In micturic dispute about distance and size

Two men exchange puerile scurrilities

A pair of puffed-up potty-mouthed posers


They know all about army guns ‘n’ stuff

Each hero manque’ stuffier than the other

About their ranks and tanks and thousand-yard-stares

And whose AR is the bigger one


Like high school boys behind the old school gym –

And why must we the people put up with them?

Monday, August 12, 2024

Four Fresh Limes - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Four Fresh Limes


When my neighbor left four fresh limes at my door

The universe did not hold its breath

Camouflage Caps for Good Comrades - inferior doggerel


Lawrence Hall, HSG


 Camouflage Caps for Good Comrades


The Presidency Really is For Sale


No bibles with the words of Roosevelt in red

Cleveland was above merchandising (perhaps)

There was never a Kennedy bobblehead

Lincoln never peddled tatty baseball caps


But now:


A Trumpy sippy-cup sounds about right

Let’s pray with autographed J.D. rosaries

Uncle Fester as G. I. Joe ready to fight

And personalized Kamala wind-up teethies


A rueful conclusion:


Few remember when our Presidency

Was a public trust of grace and dignity

Comparing our Secret Service with Barney Fife is Inappropriate - doggerel


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Comparing our Secret Service with Barney Fife is Inappropriate


Because we love and respect Deputy Fife


In art, incompetence can have a certain charm

But in stupid men with guns the charm is lacking

Our agents can’t even keep themselves from harm

Their greatest skills are in shacking and slacking


Colombian floozies and slanting roofs

Unman the best of them; they lose their guns

They lose laptops, but never their 90-proof

And break into private property for poopy runs


To them a President entrusts his life –

He’d surely be safer with Deputy Barney Fife


Sunday, August 11, 2024

Night of the Murdered Jewish Poets - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Night of the Murdered Jewish Poets


12 August 1952


When a tyrant has completed his catalogue of hate

Sent thousands to the noose and millions to the pyre

He ponders fresh murders as he sits up late

Whom else can he summon to his satanic fire?


There is agony in his soul – someone must pay

Those scribblers of verse – now there is treason

Another list, a list, without delay!

Poets to the Lubyanka – I need no reason!


I listen, I hear my night-whispering muse:

“Death is upon you, death, but first, but first…


                  the Jews.”

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Why Are the Presidential Candidates Yelling at Us? - doggerel


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Why Are the Presidential Candidates Yelling at Us?


The candidates bluster and scream on TV

But I will never vote for anyone, you see,

Whose concept of leadership is yelling at me        

Thursday, August 8, 2024

And Suddenly My Feet Were Splashed with Conoco Gasoline

 While fueling at a Conoco station this morning my feet were suddenly splashed with gasoline. I was standing by the filler but not looking at it. 

I was only slightly annoyed (old shoes, so no biggie) and went inside to advise the clerk so that she could be aware of this safety matter.  However, she only paused long enough from eating her sandwich to ask which pump and to say that she would tell her boss. No apology, no thank-you, no nothing except the chewing of a sandwich

Given the indifference, I went ahead and reported the matter, which was not my original intent. I asked corporate for credit for that gallon or so of gas on the ground.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

The Boy in White - prison poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The Boy in White


He paused in the sun, unsure where to go

His uniform was new and neatly pressed

He carried a new blue mattress and two plastic bags

Containing his prison issue for the next three years


No guards were near so I talked with him

I didn’t ask him, but he freely spoke

He told me his story; it might be true

And then

Authority told me to move. I wished him well


He was paused in life, unsure what to do

A frightened teenager in his new prison whites

Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The British Army Pocket Knife - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


The British Army Pocket Knife


A great big chunk of folded Sheffield steel

For pocket, backpack, toolbox, or workbench

Rope work, leather work, awning work, rifle repair

Gutting a rabbit for dinner if it comes to that


No plastic-y Swiss gimcrackery for us

One tightens the blade by taking a hammer to the rivets

And sharpens it hastily on a handy rock

Wash off the mud and the blood and it’s good to go


It’s clanky, clunky, and out-of-date – it’s British

As British as can be - and so are we



I’m not British, but I needed a voice and a rhyme. My Hall ancestors were transported from Northern England to the New World for being bad, and the same for my deBeauville / Beauville / Beville / Bevil ancestors from Chesterton and my McQueen ancestors from Scotland.


I love my nifty British Army knife.

Sunday, August 4, 2024

A Garden is a Department of Metaphysics - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


A Garden is a Department of Metaphysics



When the soul lies down in that grass,

the world is too full to talk about.





A garden is a Department of Metaphysics

Promethean fire and shadows in a cave of light

Leaves of trees falling upon more leaves

The leaves of books left open to the sun


The lecture lawn is furnished with old chairs

Old garden chairs rusty with wisdom and age

From duty to weather and men, the several cathedrae

Of the learned Order of Gaffer Swanthold


Athena’s owl calls from the nearby wood

Calling all men to silence and reflection



Rumi, untitled poem, trans. Coleman Barks and John Moyne

A Book of Luminous Things, ed. Czeslaw Milosz


In this context “men” is gender-neutral. Wrecking an iambic foot in obedience to the moods of an external authority is not poetry; it is weaknessssssssssssss.

About That Reed Shaken with the Wind - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG


About That Reed Shaken with the Wind



What went ye out into the wilderness to see?

A reed shaken with the wind?


-Saint Matthew 11:8



A swaying riverside reed is a marvelous thing

In its proper service to our gracious Lord

A stalk of grass honoring its Creator

In quiet, unassuming dignity


Symbolisms are laid upon the reed

In power-point sermons and learned texts

But first of all it is but a nice little reed

Joining its labors with those of the whispering wind


Until Our Lord Himself calls upon that reed

Even as He calls upon us for some small deed

Friday, August 2, 2024

Teaching a Bible in Public Schools


Lawrence Hall, HSG


Teaching a Bible in Public Schools


For Miz Grundy and Reverend Gantry


Surely a teacher could choose his own Bible

This shouldn’t be as difficult as it seems

It couldn’t possibly be forbidden or liable

To teach the children from the Douay-Rheims


2 August 2024


I confess to you and to almighty God that I long earned my daily bread as an English teacher in high school and as a part-time adjunct faculty instructor of no status whatsoever in several nice little community colleges and universities.


English literature obtains in a Christian milieu even from Anglo-Saxon / Old English times. From the earliest known pieces until 1535 the culture is exclusively Catholic; from then on the culture tends to be within the Reformation usages. This is a reality to be understood, not a point of propaganda.


Dr. David Hadas, of happy memory, was my professor at an NEH program at Bread Loaf years ago. He was brilliant, generous, open, challenging, joyful, and indulgent to a lot of high school teachers in a summer class sponsored by the National Endowment for the Humanities.


Several of us figured out that Dr. Hadas was Jewish, and I was chosen (no pun) to ask him why he always carried a King James Bible to his lectures. We noted that he almost never referred to it because he knew it deeply. His response was, and this remembered quote is probably almost exact, "I teach English literature, and if you don't know the King James Bible you don't know English literature."


His intellectual openness and honesty are quite at variance with the unhappy Elmer Gantrys demanding that the Bible (presumably not the Hebrew Bible or the Vulgate) be force-fitted in inappropriate contexts in public schools. He well knew the difference between teaching and "preaching at."



Beloved professor passes away after long illness - Student Life Archives (

Falling Into Truth - poem

   Lawrence Hall, HSG                                                    Falling Into Truth   The fall of October’s leave...