Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Never Mind the Guns and the Drugs; Seize the Books - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Never Mind the Guns and the Drugs; Seize the Books


By 1938, the Nazis had banned eighteen categories of books,

4,175 titles, and the complete works of 565 authors…


-Molly Guptill Manning, When Books Went to War


Ideologues search libraries for dirty books

Because reading might give people ideas

And encourage them to think for themselves

Tyrants are threatened by words and ideas


Censors search Mary Poppins for dirty words

Because a wide vocabulary might give people ideas

And encourage them to think for themselves

Tyrants are threatened by words and ideas


In an era when even mere literacy is suspicious

Tyrants are threatened by words and ideas



How conservative and liberal book bans differ amid rise in literary restrictions - ABC News (go.com)


The Spread of Book Banning - The New York Times (nytimes.com)


Film censors aren’t protecting children from Mary Poppins – they’re protecting themselves (yahoo.com)


States Tell SCOTUS That Social Media Censors Conservatives : The NPR Politics Podcast : NPR


List of banned films - Wikipedia




Someone is cutting down free little libraries in a Chicago suburb and police are searching for the suspect (msn.com)


Over 170 books banned from Florida school libraries following new education reform - CBS News


The police officer who searched for a book in a Great Barrington classroom also used a body camera. The ACLU has ‘deep concerns’ | South Berkshires | berkshireeagle.com

Monday, February 26, 2024

What We All Need to Know About Fentanyl - a re-post

I almost never re-post but in the matter of children's lives this is important. The source is at the foot of the page:

Here’s what children need to know:

  1. There is a poison killing 200 Americans of all ages, backgrounds, and races every single day. It’s called fentanyl. Most kids who die from it don’t even know they are taking it.

  2. Drug dealers are selling fake pills, cocaine, and meth with fentanyl to boost their profits.

  3. These fake pills look identical to the real ones—Xanax, Adderall, Oxycontin, Percocet, and others. You cannot see, smell, or taste fentanyl. Even DEA agents can’t tell the difference between what’s real and fake.

  4. Do not accept any pill of any kind if it didn’t come from a doctor or pharmacist. Even if your best friend offers you a pill, they won’t know if it contains fentanyl.

In the age of fentanyl, your life will become a coin toss. Heads, you get high. Tails, you die. The only way to win this twisted game is to refuse to play.

James Fishback is a writer for The Free Press. Follow him on Twitter @j_fishback. And read Sam Quinones’ recent piece, “Opioids Decimated a Kentucky Town. Recovering Addicts Are Saving It.”

Broccoli on the Primary Ballot - quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Broccoli on the Primary Ballot


(As President Bush maior did not say)


Broccoli, limp broccoli, that’s all I see

Just rotting broccoli all stink, stunk, stank

No real choices today, only broccoli –

The same old broccoli, putrid and rank

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Dime-Store Philosophy of Kahlil Gibran - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG




The Dime-Store Philosophy of Kahlil Gibran


How The Prophet Made Kahlil Gibran a Household Name in America ‹ Literary Hub (lithub.com)


The dime-store philosophy of Kahlil Gibran

          (“Daddy, what’s a dime-store? And what’s a dime?”)

Reposing mostly undisturbed on brick-and-board shelves

The free-verse love-salad of Rod McKuen

And Lord of the Rings in 50-cent paperbacks


The Seekers played over and over on the phonograph

          (“Daddy, what’s a phonograph? Is it something bad?”)

Have you heard The Mamas and the Papas’ latest single?

Peter, Paul & Mary in “stacks of wax”

Three-chord commandos in every coffee shop


Looking back - it wasn’t the greatest stuff

But for the time and place, it was good enough


Someone Along County Road 400 & County Dump Extension Has Done a Little Remodeling...

...and it looks nice, especially the blue carpeting. But please have your contractor swing back and pick up the unsecured debris that fell from his open trailer around midday on Saturday, 24 February.

Friday, February 23, 2024

No, I Will Not Watch X - quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG



No, I Will Not Watch X


For all the same reasons I repudiate Q

I will not watch X, not even for you

And I regret that you asked me to -

They’re both a Macbethian witches’ brew

Night of the Long Sporks - quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Night of the Long Sporks


Republicans have their sporks out for each other

Slashing each member with unpassable bills

Impeaching each MAGA sister and brother -

The 118th Congress gives me the chills!

Thursday, February 22, 2024



Lawrence Hall, HSG




ALL OVER EUROPE AND OHIO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Great AT&T Blink of 2024


America has failed, Babylon has fallen

Amid sturm und drang and riot and rout

Civilization has collapsed and we can’t call it in

Because our telephones are out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


(Oh, it’s back on – is this Joe’s Pizza?)

Standing the Test of Time - quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Standing the Test of Time


So tell me about life’s test – is it multiple-guess?

Or fill-in-the-blanks for my empty mind

If the most common answer is C…oh, what a mess!

Gimme a hint, Teach; I’m falling behind!

The Wind Drove the Pages Wild - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



The Wind Drove the Pages Wild


Reading Yevtushenko on a Windy Day


The flapping, fluttering pages went wild in the wind

And poetry sometimes should go wild, blow wild

To shake those gently slumbering words awake

Provoking peaceful musings into a storm


Nouns chasing verbs into logical conclusions

That turn about and bite the reader in the (hand)

And adjectives torment the symbolism

While adverbs, as always, were mostly in the way


I just wanted a quiet hour with coffee and verse

But flapping, fluttering pages went wild in the wind

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

A Single, Intemperate, Ill-Mannered Line About Tucker Carlson

Lawrence Hall, HSG



A One-Line Dismissal of Tucker Carlson Isn’t a Poem, But…



Democracy dies in dorkness

Waiting for the Other Boot to Drop - quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Waiting for the Other Boot to Drop


And it’s not even a good and honest boot

But the steel-tapped heel and studded sole

Of anger, hatred, and existential despair

One that takes time to pause and stomp the flowers

(The village grouch; you know him)

Faces Among the Leaves - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Faces Among the Leaves


At first she thought it was but the rock and the bushes…

But all at once she was aware of a face among the leaves…


Sigrid Undset, Kristin Lavransdatter


There are curious faces among the leaves

Among the trees and sometimes in the trees

Along the road a little old man appears

Looking at me from the trunk of a rotting pine


He seems to be a little bit annoyed

But not dangerous; he’s become used to me

Tapping along with my shiny hiker’s stick

Searching the winter sky for something of truth


And there are bare feet dancing in the underbrush

And faces in the trees I must not see

A Ballerina Arrested for High Treason - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



A Ballerina Arrested for High Treason


Let them dance in praise of His name


-Psalm 150


A ballerina was arrested for high treason


And no wonder – dance is a beautiful thing

Whether the thunderous tread of a country line

Or the ethereal flights of Russian ballet

Dance is a joy, and so must be suppressed


A ballerina was arrested for high treason


A dancer moves to mysteries of her own

On an imperial stage in Saint Petersburg

Or barefoot in a meadow among butterflies

Dance is a joy, and must be controlled


A ballerina was arrested for high treason


In the street or in a moonlit fairies’ ring

Such wild wonder – dance is a dangerous thing!


A ballerina was arrested for high treason



American Ballerina Ksenia Karelina Is Detained For 'high Treason' In Russia By Putin's Feared FSB Security Accused Of Raising $51 For The Ukrainian Army And Could Face 20 Years In Jail If Found Guilty - Ny Breaking News

Monday, February 19, 2024

Sunshine is Dogshine - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG




Sunshine is Dogshine


Be prepared. A dog is adorable and noble.

A dog is a true and loving friend. A dog

Is also a hedonist.


-Mary Oliver, “The Wicked Smile”


My little dogs pause at the kitchen door

But after tentatively testing the air

Run wild into the sunlit of a rare warm day

Leaping across the long-dead summer grass


They tumble and roll, and loll with their tummies up

For each little sunbeam is a doggie-kiss

To be cherished against the next arctic front

When the sleeting wind rattles the window panes


My little dogs scratch at the kitchen door

Sunshine is dogshine

But now they want a doggie-nosh and a nap

Lent is Not About Giving Up Things Lent is Not About Giving Up Things Lent is Not About Giving Up Things Lent is Not About Giving Up Things


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Lent is Not About Giving Up Things Lent is Not About Giving Up Things Lent is Not About Giving Up Things Lent is Not About Giving Up Things


All of my life I have been told

That Lent is not about giving up things

So was there a time when anyone

was told otherwise?


“Never Surrender” Sneakers: Collectible Bone Spurs Edition - quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG



“Never Surrender” Sneakers – Collectible Bone Spurs Edition


Now we have lived to see a president

Hawking tatty cartoon-character shoes

Having already pawned his soul for rent

And now the bailiffs are turning the screws

Saturday, February 17, 2024

Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, and Boomer Tea

Lawrence Hall, HSG



Gen X, Gen Y, Gen Z, and Boomer Tea


How wicked to stereotype the several gens

To brew a tempest in a pot of self-pity -

The morning sun shines upon a world of friends

For we are all leaves on an Eden-tree

Friday, February 16, 2024

A Martyr is a Poem - for Alexei Navalny


Lawrence Hall, HSG



A Martyr is a Poem


For Alexei Navalny


“Only in Russia is poetry respected; it gets people killed.”


-Osip Mandelstam


His soul was a poem; upon it he wrote

Of hope for Russia’s peoples frozen in pain

A poem of stern rebuke to Rolex tyrants

Who censored him with beatings, poison, and death



He spoke

He died

Because he spoke he died

Because he spoke the truth he died


They left his unfinished poem upon the ice

His soul was a poem – we must complete his verse

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

There are no Foreign Accents in Texas - poem

Lawrence Hall, HSG



There are no Foreign Accents in Texas


“For all its enormous range of space, climate, and physical appearance, and for all the internal squabbles, contentions, and strivings, Texas has a tight cohesiveness perhaps stronger than any other section of America.”


– John Steinbeck


There are no foreign accents here, n'est-ce pas?

Un acento extranjero is for Auslander

And there are no mga dayuhan here

The dat belongs to all of us and to niemand


Before even the Pierwsze Narody there was the jord

And les humains have come in successive amaza

Izdao each other with אלימות and кровь

Κατακτήσεις and 背叛 instead of féastaí


But 私たち are trying to make it bora now -

There are no foreign accents here, capisci?




I played with Microsoft’s translator ]english to spanish - Search (bing.com)] because to my regret I have no language other than English and puer parvus scholis Latinis.

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Dragons for Your New Year - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG




Dragons for Your New Year


For Doris and Anthony

Who have known dragons


Eustace had read only the wrong books; they had a lot to say about exports and imports and governments and drains, but they were weak on dragons.


-C. S. Lewis, Voyage of the Dawn Treader



The dragons are a polite and ancient race

And very conscious of their dignity

It would not do to neglect their seasons and feasts

Lest they neglect to visit you this year


They want to bring good fortune to your house

But first you must make a place for them -

Their breath will warm your room, your hearth, your heart

Their knowledge will make your children worthy and wise


Their songs will send your family happy dreams

For dragons are a polite and generous race

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Reader Responses in the U. K. DAILY MAIL


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Reader Responses in the U. K. Daily Mail


RepubliCraps. Demoncrats. Repugs. DemoCraps. MAGA. Magats. Maggots. Clown. Orange clown. Clowns. Clown show. Absolute clown show. Absolute commie clown show. Diaper Joe. Dr. Potatohead. Moron. Selected not elected. Deplorables. Trailer trash. Absolute trailer trash. Said no one ever. Oh wait. Lock her up. Lock him up. Throw away the key. Absolutely. Joebama. Drumpf. Dump. Woke. Wokista. Wokerati. Absolutely Woke. Biden’s America. Trump’s America. Mean tweets. No mean tweets. These teachers. These schools. These universities. TDS. Absolute TDS. Liberal idiots. Extremist idiots. Absolute idiots. ROFL. Grab some popcorn. …in 1, 2, 3…  Dumpster fire. Absolute dumpster fire. You can’t make this stuff up. Train wreck. Absolute train wreck. Car crash. Absolute car crash. Total car crash. The jokes write themselves. At its finest. Pure evil. Absolute pure evil. Cue crickets. Of biblical proportions. Of epic proportions. Of absolute epic biblical proportions. Rinse and repeat. Rules for thee but not for me. Two-tier justice system. Absolute two-tier justice system. You could look it up. Follow the science. Full stop. LOL. End of. Absolutely. Fact. FACT!!!!!

Friday, February 9, 2024

The Disinterment of Pablo Neruda - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



The Disinterment of Neruda


Qui sine peccato est vestrum, primus in aliam lapidem mittat


This Neruda - the Fascists murdered him

This Neruda - let us murder him again

The people read and love his poems too much

And they ignore ours – let us dig him up


This Neruda – we will dig him up

And subject him to our Inquisition

We now will tell you what each fragment means

Each fragment of each word, his flesh, his bone


We have our bullhorns and our three-beat chants

His poems will mean what we tell you they mean


Shut up

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Poetry and Jazz Stroll into a Smoky Bar


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Poetry and Jazz Stroll into a Smoky Bar


Poetry, like jazz, is itself

If you feel a need to explain it

You’ve failed

                      Art sings itself

Wipe That Geographical Expression Off Your Face - quatrain

 Lawrence Hall, HSG




Wipe That Geographical Expression Off Your Face


Alas, poor country! / Almost afraid to know itself


-Macbeth IV.iii.164-165


We are now a geographical expression

An almost amorphous land mass occupied

By violent tribes of shifting loyalties

And assemblies of squabbling Merovingians

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

A Burning Car in Baghdad - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



A Burning Car in Baghdad



The delusion that by force you can impose the Millennium on the human race is one of the most dangerous delusions in existence.

― Agatha Christie, They Came to Baghdad



In the center of Baghdad a burning car

Illuminates long centuries of pain

Inflicted by schemes of improvement upon

A city of scholarship, wisdom, and art


Militias, commanders, air-strikes, and bombs

So clever that they can single out one car

Without harming another car at the traffic light -

And somehow this will make the world all better


Dullard journalists will type “tit-for-tat”

Because they don’t know anything else to say


And neither do I

Cups and Jugs and Kettles and Beds - something more than a Quatrain


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Cups and Jugs and Kettles and Beds


St. Mark 7:1-13


Let the coffee cups rattle with denunciations

About the contextual meaning of “beds”

At the fossil table in the roadside café’

That Javneh of theological studies


For the health and comfort of our other guests

No smoking, please

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

A Sanitary Pad Along Beer Can Road - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



A Sanitary Pad Along Beer Can Road



To walk abroad, and recreate yourselves


-Julius Caesar III.ii.256



A sanitary pad along Beer Can Road

Sodden and heavy with the waning night’s damp

And beer cans shining in the morning sun

Completing a picture of misadventure


I once found a ratchet wrench about here

And a knot of twist-ties further along

And a couple of disposable lighters for toking crack

I’ll just give this latest detritus a miss


But on my morning stroll I won’t pass by

Without a prayer for happiness for all


Especially my nocturnal predecessors


Monday, February 5, 2024

A Dusty Drum Kit - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



A Dusty Drum Kit


In a re-sale shop in Huntington, Texas


Fronting for decaying videotapes

And clocks that will never again chime the time

Through tinny mechanical syncopation

A drum set reposes without percussion


An arpeggio of silent despair

Whose cymbals and snare impatiently wait

As do the bass and other impedimenta

For the hand of a youth who has something to howl


The next kid through the door might bell the cat:

“There it is – I will rhythm the truth with that!”


Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Latest Atmospheric River End-of-the-World Pineapple Express Bomb Cyclone from H**l


Lawrence Hall, HSG



The Latest Atmospheric River End-of-the-World 

Pineapple Express Bomb Cyclone from H**l



The news is falling! The news is falling!


-as Chicken Little did not say



An apocalyptic storm of such intensity

We’re all going to drown in a flood of breaking news

The streets already overflowing with hyperbole

From reporters in damp shoes awaiting their cues


Saturday, February 3, 2024

A Quatrain to Explain the Infinite Monkey Theory


Lawrence Hall, HSG



A Quatrain to Explain the Infinite Monkey Theory


If you set a monkey at a typewriter

To type and type for all eternity

What he will type, that little blighter

Is a politician’s speech – nonsense, you see!

Friday, February 2, 2024

A Rotor-Tiller and the Feast of the Presentation - poem


Lawrence Hall, HSG



A Rotor-Tiller and the Feast of the Presentation


Names have not been restored, as Aslan says

Some are pleased to call this Ground-Hog Day

Although there are no ground hogs here

But the Presentation is everywhere and forever


I passed the morning deconstructing the tiller

                                  (instead of sacred texts)

Working debris from around the tines

Thinking about the coming spring and how -

How the Presentation is everywhere and forever


Names have not been restored, as Aslan says

Still, the Presentation is everywhere and forever

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Browsing the Poetry Titles in the Book Store


Lawrence Hall, HSG



Browsing the Poetry Titles in the Book Store


I soon had a thorough understanding of the rules. For a poem to go through there had to be a few lines devoted to [         ]


-Yevtushenko, p. 68, A Precocious Autobiography


Call Me by the Post-Colonial Things We Carried Without Borders in the Boat in the Twilight Garden of our Being Unsilencing the Silent Voices Songs of Our Powerful People Aimlessly in Fire New and Selected Hopes To Change Your Life Forever Becoming the Healing                                                                                                                                                              You Always Wanted to Be in the Emptiness Within While Searching the Soul of the Underself in Quest of Anti-hierarchy For Elegies of the Lover







Be on the Silences of Screaming Wings in a Rhapsody of a Plangent Tangent of Voided Meanings at the End of the             Rainbow World When a Golden Sickle Pierced the Sighings of                     the Moon in  Your Shivering Hand Leaves in the Exiled Gentleness of              Barbed Wire Pillows Comforting Your Cerulean Soul-Quest of Meaningful    Meaninglessness adrift in the Writhing  



Arms of your Powerful Weakness as a Twinkling Pancreas Vaults        Ambition Through Disconnected Quotes from Shakespeare Who was My           Soul-Twin Aflame with Passionless Passion for a Forbidden Vegetable Incarnadining     the Cosmic Cypress of Your Unattainable Body Through the Music of                 the Trapezoids as the Forbidden Kiss of Life

And, like, stuff

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Mhall46184@aol.com Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...