Saturday, March 8, 2025

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting


You know him well, that untucked-shirttail old man

Booming his gassy voice at every meeting

Whatever the topic he leads the van

Interrupting with his self-obsessed bleating


He was a banker, he tells us repeatedly

He knows about finance, more than the treasurer

And he was a cop, too, he yells out heatedly

And arguing the reports gives him much pleasurer


You know him well, that untucked-shirttail old gent

He doesn’t know Jacques Merde, but he will always vent!


(He’s not unlike our current president)

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Valkyrie Flight of the Lawn Chairs - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Flight of the Lawn Chairs


The Lion-Winds of March


Wild winds now rise to a Valkyrie’s strength

And dark clouds roar to the hammer of Thor

While lightning traverses the poor earth’s length

As if our Nordic gods have gone to war


As if our Nordic gods have gone to war

The walls and windows rattle against the rain

Foul enemies batter against the door

The wrath of Grendel, the hatred of Cain


The wrath of Grendel, the hatred of Cain

Have set my old lawn chairs to flying again!

Tuesday, March 4, 2025

A Ghost Road Through the Marsh - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office



A Ghost Road Through the Marsh



The days are gone

When the kingdoms of earth flourished in glory;


-“The Seafarer”, Burton Raffel translation



Water ran in rivulets among the weeds

The wind was lowering, the rain had stopped, the sky

Was low and grey over a landscape bleak

With wreckage and windfall from the passing storm


An old man slowly worked to clear the road

While the young impatiently hooted and honked

Their displeasure that the world they hadn’t worked

Wasn’t working quite right for them today


The old man sometimes spoke with the ghosts of Rome

Who had built and marched their roads until

The egos and angerings of emperors and kings

Abandoned all good work to slow decay


The young one-fingered past him among the brome

And disappeared forever into the gloam

Soups as a Medium of Exchange - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Soups as a Medium of Exchange


In today’s trading soups were generally down

Although vegetable beef found a brisk trade

Potato soup was bullish in Block D

And each minestrone was five cigarettes


The market closed slightly up at evening count

But this could not compensate for the day’s fall

Naked-lady tats are expected to go high this week

Ten soups for an inked image of yo’ mama


The morning market will open in this metal hell

When some dumb **** rings that ****ing bell

The List is Death - poem


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


The List is Death


There is said to be a list – but whose?

Who wrote it? Where is it? Where has it been?

On what teakwood desk does it now repose

Around which names and lives are negotiated


The matter is not that names are being removed

But that your name might be written in

Because your attitude has been noticed

The hand that once shook yours signs away your life


Someone pencils your name upon The List

That’s your loyalty reward (you won’t be missed)


Thoughts ‘n’ prayers as in Two Corinthians

Authority Over Everything on the Earth - rhyming doggerel


Lawrence Hall

Dispatches for the Colonial Office


Authority Over Everything on the Earth


Sirach 17:1-15


You can’t be authority over all the earth

If in the end you are buried under it

What are man’s honors and dignity worth

When man is nobly dropped into a pit

That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting - doggerel

   Lawrence Hall Dispatches for the Colonial Office   That Old Loudmouth at Every Meeting   You know him well, that untuc...